Video blocked Mark/ Mareka 2:1-12“Ha bongata bo re sitisa / When the multitudes prohibit us!!” Recommendations 34:41 2Dikronike/ 2Chronicles 20: 1-15"/Mahlo a Rona a tadima ho monga ntwa/ 24:45 Luka 5:1-11 // Se o hlolang, ha se hlole Jesu // Reverend MS Makhele// NGKA Phahameng 34:08 2Timothea 4:9-18“// HA MORENA AO EMELA / WHEN THE LORD STOOD BY YOU!!” 26:24 1 Samuele 3 :1 -10 // Moekelesia 3 : 7 // Moruti MS Makhele// NGKA Phahameng// Lesedi Fm// 2:26:19 Eva Ālere. Brīvība no okultisma un burvestībām Latvijā 30:39 "Maswabi a hao a tla o kopanya le yena / Your disappointment is His appointment” // Luka 5:1-11 31:24 Malakia 4: 1-6 // Modimo o busetsang dipelo// message for father and sons 32:21 2Dikronike 14:1-15 // “DITEKO DI RE LOKISETSA DIHLAHLOBO / TESTS PREPARE US FOR EXAMINATIONS.” 30:06 Matthew 14: 22- 33 || Moruti MS Makhele ||Morena, haeba ke wena, laela hore ke tle ho wena || 28:48 Atta-Ele-roi// Wena Modimo, o a mpona// Genese/ Genesis 16: 1- 16// Genese/ Genesis 21: 8- 20 29:09 Mark 10: 45 // For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve // Rev MS Makhele // 38:56 Diketso 16:16-40 “RAPELA, HO NA LE HO SISINYEHANG // PRAY, SOMETHING IS SHAKEN” 40:15 Johanne// John 11:1-46 / /“TSWA MOO / COME FORTH”// Rev MS Makhele 33:02 Thato ya Hao; eseng yaka// Your will and not mine// Genese 3: 1- 13// Mattheu 26: 36- 46 35:30 Tshebeletso Ya Selallo sa Paseka // Luka 5: 1-11 & Johanne 21: 1- 25 45:00 Baroma Romans 15: 1- 13 // Jwaloka Jesu, ha re ba jarele As Christ, let's bear with them 1:09:26 Bible Study// Boithuto ba bibele// 2 Samuele/ Samuel 2:08:03 Tshebeletso ya Selallo sa Morena// Moruti MS Makhele// Eksoda 15: 1 - 21 57:22 1 Kings bible study Boithuto ba bibele ya 1 Marena// Reverend MS Makhele 31:06 Jeremiah 29: 1-7 // Rapellang khotso ya bona Similar videos 21:06 Reverend Nanyane ~ Mareka 8:22-26 36:39 Mattheu/ Matthew 2: 1- 12/ ya bohlale o latela Jesu/ The wise follow Jesus/ word of the day/ NGKA 33:27 Diketso Acts 27: 21-34/HAEBA O BATLA HO PHONYOHA SEFEFO DULA/IF YOU WANT TO SURVIVE THE STORM; STAY 01:20 RE APESE 31:02 Reverend Makhele/ Ephesians 4: 25- 32/ Baefese 4: 25- 32/ The power of truth/ sermon/ word of God/ 30:58 ALL POWER BELONGS TO HIM / MATLA OHLE KE A HAE!! || Baefese / Ephesians 1: 15-22 || Rev MS Makhele 28:31 Genesis/ Genese 26: 18-25 32-33 Reverend MAKHELE/ never stop digging/ sermon/ NGKA/ God/ Jesus/ amen 26:19 Reverend Makhele/ Tshebeletso ya Morena,/ 18 October 2020/ 1Bathesalonika 5: 23-24 30:04 The storm is almost over sefefo se se se tla kgutsa/Deuteronoma/ Deuteronomy 1:18- 21/NGKA phahameng 11:06 Ditemana di le 50 (50 Gospel Verses in Setswana) 31:53 Jakobo /James 4: 1-17“O TLETSE BOIKOKOBETSO KAPA BOIKGOHOMOSO? / ARE YOU FULL OF HUMILITY OR PRIDE?” 1:01:12 Joshua 24: 14-22/ Ha e le nna le ba ntlo yaka/ As for me and my house/ Rev M.S Makhele 32:40 Ezekiele/Ezekiel 37: 1-12; / It is not yet half time/ HA E SO BE NAKO YA KGEFUTSO/ sermon/MORUTI 28:17 Matthew/ Matheu 28: 1- 10/ Reverend MS Makhele/ The Parable/ Setshwantsho sa mokete wa lenyalo/ NGKA 22:58 EXODUS 16: 7 -21 "Corruption Will Expose Itself!" 31:42 Fathers Day: Genese 48: 17-20 / Genesis 48: 17-20 KE A TSEBA; MORA KA; I KNOW; MY SON; I KNOW 32:59 Joshua 5: 13-15/ scripture reading/ new year/ Reverend Makhele/ NGKA Phahameng 35:12 Jeremia Jeremiah 18: 1-10/ Modimo ha o so Qete ka wena/ God is not yet finished with you/NGKA More results