MESIAL Bite | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. Published 2020-07-30 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 08:12 DISTAL bite / Overbite | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. 06:14 Мезиальный прикус. Как исправить без операции? 09:07 CROSSBITE | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. 19:11 ДИСФУНКЦИЯ ВНЧС | 6 причин хруста и боли в ВНЧС. Диагностика. Лечение. 05:54 Дистальный прикус. Или как вернуть челюсть обратно? 09:22 КРИВЫЕ ЗУБЫ | Скученность и наклон зубов | Почему зубам не хватает места? 06:15 RETAINERS AFTER BRACES. (Why? How much to wear? Mandatory?) 16:31 Braces: 10 tips from an orthodontist to correct bite. 11:41 WISDOM TEETH | 5 reasons to remove and 4 reasons to leave. The opinion of the orthodontist. 10:12 Все о неправильном прикусе: виды, исправление прикуса, кривых зубов брекетами, капами, элайнерами 07:24 OPEN Bite | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. 10:54 WASTE OF TEETH | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. 09:37 Исправления прикуса без брекетов (и без ортодонта) 06:32 PADS with braces | The worst thing about orthodontics 01:06 CIRURGIA ORTOGNÁTICA - RECUO DE MANDÍBULA E AVANÇO DE MAXILA - Dr. Marcelo Nanni 07:01 BRUXISM | The reasons. Effects. Treatment. 07:11 Полный алгоритм чистки зубов с брекетами: 6 шагов. 26:34 Дуги в брекет-системе. (ортодонтия, мини-лекция) 18:30 Все виды прикуса за 7 минут. От самого неправильного до идеального 08:04 The DISTALIZATION of the teeth in the orthodontics | Braces/aligners/appliances. Similar videos 01:38 Mesial Drift 00:16 Upper 2nd Bicuspid Extraction - Overjet - Orthodontic Treatment 01:14 What are the consequences of missing teeth? 00:19 Midline Correction Elastic 00:51 Orthodontic Treatment for Underbite or Crossbite - Carriere Appliance 01:01 Orthodontic Treatment for Narrow Upper Jaw with Functional Shift - Expander or Spacer 00:46 Orthodontic Treatment for Deepbite - Fixed Bite Plate on Front Teeth 00:34 Orthodontic Treatment for Overbite (Overjet) - Removing Second Molar 01:40 Tooth extraction consequences - Lapointe dental centres 00:44 Mini screw, mini implant insertion , screwing in orthodontic #mini_implant TAD 05:00 Closing The Patient's Gaps with Direct Composite Technique #C24 00:34 Orthodontic Treatment for Molar Uprighting - Cantilever Spring 03:52 To cut the mainwire or not, that is the question.|【Chris Chang Ortho】CC488 04:57 Dental implant or spaces closure by braces? using #tads (mini-implant) for molar mesial drifting 04:34 Mouth breathing effect on the bite, teeth alignment and occlusion, a great risk to be avoided!! 00:23 Missing Molars More results