Michal Shapira, "Sigmund Freud and His Patient Margarethe Csonka: A Case of Homosexuality in Vienna" Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 1:21:32 Laurie Marhoefer, "Racism and the Making of Gay Rights: Sexologist, Student, Empire of Queer Love" 1:01:51 Manipulating Memory Engram Cells to Attenuate Depression in Mice 24:36 Robert Zwarg, “‘There is Nothing Innocuous Left’: Barbarism and the Everyday” 1:11:44 Host Microbiome Interactions in Health and Disease 23:15 David Harrisville, “Morality, Nazi Ideology, and the Individual in the Third Reich” 3:11:18 Robert Greene: A Process for Finding & Achieving Your Unique Purpose 15:17 The Secret of Going Viral | Shahak Shapira | TEDxVienna 26:20 Vitamin A Deficiency - A Case Study in Preventive Medicine 42:09 Richard Bernstein on the Film "Hannah Arendt" | The New School 48:20 Jeremy Best, "Shermans and Tigers, and T-34s, Oh My!: Playing Pretend and Playing WWII" 58:03 George L. Mosse, "The Importance of Gay History" (1996) 1:50:54 Review of Kernberg's main ideas regarding Personality Organization, Personality Disorders... 2:25:42 Government Brainwashing Expert On How To Spot Lies & Influence Anyone - Chase Hughes 29:35 The Mike Wallace Interview: Erich Fromm (1958-05-25) 1:04:16 Holocaust Center Saved from the Warsaw Ghetto 18:16 Context is everything: Aneuploidy in cancer 1:08:02 Lecture on Conscious Experience and Time's Passage 19:46 Hyperbaric Medicine - Dr Shai Efrati at Exponential Medicine 2019 59:34 Eran Segal: "Modeling and Predicting Covid-19 Pandemics"