MODULAR DIY | PASSIVE VACTROL VCA ("LPG") Published 2022-08-14 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 08:01 Mystic Circuits - 0HP Vactrol LPG 01:26 Vactrols DiY 13:19 The power of a dual low pass gate (LPG) in a performance case - With Make Noise LxD 31:39 Randall Carlson Reveals Ancient Technology That Defies Every Known Law Of Physics 12:13 Making A Piezo Noise Box | Experimental Ambient Sounds | Electro-Acoustic Instrument 04:51 First Folds With Bifold 18:20 Vactrol VCAs and CV attenuators - DIY Modular in a Week 2.1 14:10 BELIEVE IT OR NOT THIS IS A MUSICAL INSTRUMENT... 21:10 Let's Talk Low Pass Gates! 10:28 Solar 42: A unique cinematic drone synthesizer 29:21 DIY SYNTH VCF Part 3: Resonant High-Pass & Vactrol-Based Voltage Control 09:36 SDIYClass#2 - The 3 dollar LoPass Gate - Make your own Vactrol! 44:14 Eurorack wavefolder comparison - Bifold, Timbre, Fold 6 22:12 ECE4450 L27: Buchla Lowpass Gates (Analog Circuits for Music Synthesis, Georgia Tech course) 10:26 The simplest DIY audio oscillator? not a 555 chip. reverse avalanche 10:17 Blindspots in Eurorack 16:21 Eurorack Low Pass Gate (LPG) session 3 03:36 [ $2 ] DIY eurorack modular synth Wave Shaper with VCA / passive and few components 1:10:36 Creating a Live-Ready Modular Patch from Scratch (part 1) Similar videos 22:07 2hp LPG DIY Build Guide 03:54 Passive "LPG like" module, VCA vactrol doubled 13:40 DIY Vactrols 35:24 Mystic Circuits 0HP Vactrol VCA/ LPG Build Tutorial 01:30 DIY Low Pass Gate Prototype 00:05 2HP LPG Vactrol (ph modular eurorack) 35:42 Doepfer A-101-2 LPG Vactrol Lowpas Gate 14:50 DIY Eurorack Buchla style LPG with resonance control 12:14 Project Nine-20 DIY Modular Analogue Synth : Power and Passives 25:45 0HP Vactrol DIY Build Guide - Updated 00:51 DIY Synth Jam #6 - Vactrol-based Voltage Controlled Attenuator 05:05 DIY Vactrol - how I do it. 00:57 Inline Passive Vactrol Gate 00:20 Mystic Circuits - 0hp LPG passive eurorack low pass gate diy 07:00 Mystic Circuits 0HP Modular VCA comparison 01:01 LPG mk1 02:12 mcshafty - Make Something - Passive VCA Eurorack Part 1 More results