Video blocked [Movie华语经典]和珅纪晓岚 一个唱白脸一个唱黑脸,把乾隆骗得团团转!气得乾隆大骂出口!【铁齿铜牙纪晓岚】 Recommendations 1:01:55 Ji Xiaolan used a piece of white paper to turn it into a birthday gift for the Empress Dowager! 1:12:04 Heshen said that Ji Xiaolan was going to be stabbed,but he didn't expect the emperor to really do it 14:41 和珅用800兩白銀買下古董,卻不知被紀曉嵐耍了,那東西還不如一個尿盆!15-1 1:05:39 Ji Xiaolan and the other two had their own thoughts when they had their meal! 1:04:31 Ji Xiaolan send He Shen to the northwest. He Shen thought he was getting a big advantage 41:05 【高分经典电视剧】断案铁三角 01 | 柔弱民女身负冤屈告御状,铁三角各出妙招断奇案(张铁林/王刚/张国立) 1:02:22 Qianlong was captured, but it turned out that it was Ji Xiaolan who dealt with him! 1:33:21 【古裝電影】窮考生不知眼前人是皇上,竟敢公然頂撞,哪料皇上不怒反而賜名黃馬褂!#2024最新電影#古裝電影#中國電視劇 1:02:26 [Movie华语经典]和珅不想认罪直接搬来了皇上撑腰,怎料纪晓岚一句话就把他吓得下跪!【铁齿铜牙纪晓岚】 1:01:01 Ji Xiaolan and the other two went to the tavern, and their attitudes were very arrogant! 1:05:24 Ji Xiaolan gave Heshen a couplet to answer, but he ended up cursing Heshen in a roundabout way. 17:03 乾隆權利被架空,緊急召劉墉官復原職,和珅花錢也挨了打! 16:33 紀曉嵐與和珅互換職務,倆人都以為佔便宜,大贏家卻是皇上 1:16:28 小乞丐意外救了當今皇上,被賜奉旨乞討,高官見了都得乖乖給錢!【華語高分電影】 1:08:30 [Movie华语经典]纪晓岚跟和珅经典飚戏片段,三人表面谈笑风生,其实暗流涌动!【铁齿铜牙纪晓岚】 1:00:53 Ji Xiaolan invited Emperor Heshen to dinner, but asked Heshen to pay! 1:53:43 [華語經典]窮書生不卑不亢進京趕考,不僅獲得主考官賞識,連微服私訪的皇帝都被他逗笑了!【縣令黃馬褂】 55:14 The emperor went to visit Ji Xiaolan and conveyed the information in just one word without anyone no 1:00:58 Ji Xiaolan takes the emperor to a brothel, and even Heshen can't help but call him obscene. 1:07:14 Heshen and Ji Xiaolan were drinking, but unexpectedly the emperor paid the bill for them!