Video blocked Moving all my birds to the new aviary Recommendations 10:58 A day on the Farm : Cleaning the parrot nest boxes and finishing the cages / flights 26:31 From Highs to Lows: A Rollercoaster Breeding Season with the Finches & Parrots !!! 🐣🐦🦜 1:14:25 Releasing Our New Flock of Songbirds Into Our Revamped Giant Aviary | Vlog #1697 24:38 Traveling to Belgium to see an extraordinary Finch Aviary : The Cuban Grassquits 22:48 Budgie Breeder Maarten Heylen - A Canary Room special visit. 27:23 Visiting a 50 acre FARM with 5 OUTDOOR AVIARIES 😱 32:32 35 chicks, 8 different species. What a Wild spring breeding finches!! 13:27 New aviary tour at my brother’s house. 18:32 The finch breeding season has started and Im pairing up some of the worlds rarest finches !!! 1:06:38 The Canary Room Season 5 Episode 5 - A Visit to Peter Harrison and his Zebra Finches 21:09 Dont miss these tips for a successful finch breeding season ! Outdoor aviary v.s cage breeding 🐦 30:25 Parrot Breeding in Serbia - A Hidden Gem in Aviculture. Your Parrot Birdfood. Macaws & Co. 20:55 Aviary update: Cautiously optimistic about Orange-Breasted waxbill chicks 10:32 Bird Aviary Tour, Over 200 Birds! 13:59 The Key to hatching more African finches during the breeding season 2:10:37 Over 2 Hours of Budgies Playing, Singing and Talking in their Aviary 17:59 Worlds Rarest Parrot Mutations - Exclusive content from Australia. Your Parrot in Down Under. 16:48 Building an aviary and outdoor flights 24:51 60+ Years of Finch Keeping 24:42 OUR DREAM AVIARY IS FINISHED! Similar videos 22:44 We FINISHED the Aviary, but first... | Building an Aviary Part 17 26:14 When Will I Move Our New Birds to the Aviary? - Aug. 1, 2022 | Vlog #1534 06:57 Releasing My Birds Into the Aviary 21:16 Living in My BIRD ROOM for 24 HOURS!! *Birds gone completely wild* 00:09 Moving my Aviary Birds Indoor before the Winter 07:48 From FINCHES 🐦 to PARROTS 🦜 ( How it all started + Building New Bird Cages ) 04:36 New Aviary Build first residents move in ! 19:59 AVIARY TOUR! of My Bird Aviaries (3 DIFFERENT Set Ups) 06:04 The New BIRD ROOM / AVIARY is FINISHED time to start BREEDING #aviary #birds #finches 45:54 Moving the Birds Into Our New Giant Home Aviary - Sept. 14, 2022 | Vlog #1555 04:28 How to make a Lovebirds setup-visit IK Aviary-my new setup-lovebirds-setup 33:58 RELEASING My New RAREST BIRDS In The Aviary! 21:13 STARTING OVER! New Property for FARM ANIMALS! Moving all Birds Nest & African Aviary big Improvement 51:18 Releasing ALL MY BIRDS Into My Giant Home Aviary For the First Time - Oct. 20, 2022 | Vlog #1566 10:29 Dad Gave Bug a Big House for all birds 10:06 Making Decorative New homes for 20 pet birds 00:55 A Tour Inside our Crow’s Aviary 00:16 This is what a luxury bird cage looks like 👀 More results