Video blocked pastor mpundu mweshi Elijah vs Baal Recommendations 03:19 Stepz - Rock (Official Music Video) 03:28 Ndande na yesu By Awaken. 30:43 LITTLE TIME OF TROUBLE P3 BY PASTOR MPUNDU MWESHI 09:08 Minister GUC - Obinigwe (Official Video) 38:10 3 Angels Message by Pastor Mpundu Mweshi PT1{Zambian Language Bemba} 46:42 2024 NATIONAL CAMP MEETING official video (TIME OF TROUBLE) PST MPUNDU MWESHI prod by LAY STUDIOS 03:59 HEAVENLY GATE CHOIR 06:00 Cyrus Muya_ Ndi- Ndi- Ndi, zambian sda gospel music @godssonant2053 (0973656636) 41:55 THE LAST SIN THAT CLOSES HUMAN PROBATION~ Pastor Mpundu Mweshi 04:10 Kuli ba muninane kuno _ music video by pst Mubanga Matthews (prod by 3 Angels Message Studios) 51:30 Ifyula Fitatu- Pastor Mpundu Mweshi (Zambian Language-Bemba) 06:44 SHI MUMBI ON STOVE 49:30 Hurukuro naSekuru Sithole N'anga Yaita Mukurumbira weZvinotyisa Zvavanobata - Part 1 1:00:47 The first ten plagues by Pr mpundu mweshi prod by Christopher kansongi 14:23 Franco / Le TP OK Jazz - Mario (Non stop) 09:34 Rudo Acappella Zambia - Medley [ Live Homesick Album Launch performance] 53:49 Kalama wabusesemo by Ev Pr mpundu mweshi Part 1 06:58 Prospa Ochimana - Ekwueme feat. Osinachi (Live Ministration) 25:45 ishibeni ukupenda imyaka yenu by PST MPUNDU MWESHI 07:12 Umar Keyn - This Love Drives Me Crazy Similar videos 38:32 Nembila Nsuma Iyi ~Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 1 {Zambian Language Bemba} 03:01 PASTOR MPUNDU MWESHI NATIONAL CAMP MEETING 2022 THE STEWARDSHIP 38:43 Ubushimikilo Bwantanshi Satana Ashimikile Kumuntu By Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Pt1~Zambian Language Bemba 24:29 Ifishibilo 24 Ifyakupwa Kwa Calo by Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 1 ( Zambian Language Bemba) 24:47 INKAMA YABELAMA MUBWANGA ~ Pastor Mpundu Mweshi PT1 (Zambian Language Bemba) 49:55 Daniel 7:25 By Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 1( Zambian Language Bemba) 17:42 Balishuka Abafwila Muli Kristu Part 3 - Pastor Mpundu Mweshi ( Bemba - Zambian Language) 16:21 IMILOPA IBILI BY Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 2(Zambian Language Bemba) 34:10 Inkulo Bucende By Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 1( Zambian Language Bemba) 1:23:22 Who are the true Seventh-Day Adventist, S.D.A 1:00:00 INSHILA IYACINE IYITWALA KU MWEO (Part 1) BY PASTOR MPUNDU MWESHI prod by Christopher kansongi 29:57 THE 3 SONS OF NOAH - Friday, Saturday & Sunday By Pastor Mpundu Mweshi (Zambian Language Bemba) P1 26:38 Mulandunshi Yesu Abatishiwile Mu Yodani? Part 2- Pastor Mpundu Mweshi (Bemba- Zambian Language) 01:18 My last confession by Pastor Mpundu mweshi 52:11 THE LONGEST PROPHECY 1844 BY EVANGELIST PASTOR ELDER MPUNDU MWESHI 50:37 IMILOPA IBILI BY PASTOR MPUNDU MWESHI PART 1(Zambian Language Bemba) 00:16 Snares of the Devil ~ Pastor Mpundu Mweshi 19:04 Corona Virus by Pastor Mpundu Mweshi Part 3 ( Zambian Language Bemba)🙏 More results