Pentium 166 MMX & 3DFX Voodoo1 Gaming Test Published 2023-05-02 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 23:44 Testing This Generic 233MHz Pentium II PC Clone 2:28:39 Pentium 133 MHz "Hot Pursuit" 22:13 23 Year old PC Restoration - Does it run with windows 95 1:05:48 C&C Generals - Zero Hour: 1 vs. 7 - USA Air Force vs. 7 Hard Armies (Death Valley) 08:41 A look at my DOS gaming computer - Megados 16:07 This GPU cost $15,000 and there’s only ONE like it – 3dfx Voodoo 5 6000 21:48 Pentium MMX 166MHz / 64MB RAM / 20GB HDD 20:12 Creative 3D Blaster 3DFX Banshee PCI - TEST 27:27 The Awesome Reason Why My MS-DOS Gaming PC Needs a Pentium MMX CPU Upgrade! 28:49 Voodoo2 + Pentium 233 MMX, топ для Quake2, но тянет и Unreal с Half-Life, ПК-бояре 90-х 17:28 Pentium MMX 166 is one of the Best Retro Processors 54:24 Riva TNT RAM upgrade 17:17 Собираем ретро компьютер на Super Socket 7 | Тесты позже! 14:03 1998 High-End Gaming PC Build & Benchmark ( Early Slot 1 and 440BX ) 20:53 Windows XP in 2024: Why it's so good (and what you can do with it) 09:40 The 3Dfx Voodoo Difference: This is why we love them 1:36:45 PENTIUM PRO. Легенда 90х 37:38 Building 486DX4-100 Retro PC desktop computer 30:30 Co dwa procki (Pentium III) to nie jeden. Compaq AP550. Złom bez cenzury #12 2:17:43 150 GREATEST DOS GAMES! | DOSBOX #1 Similar videos 16:45 Pentium 166 MMX & 3Dfx Voodoo 3 1000 Retro PC 07:32 3dfx Voodoo Pentium MMX 166 10:31 3dfx Voodoo 1 vs. Pentium MMX 200mhz 20:59 Hyundai P5000M Pentium 166MMX 32Edo Windows95/Testing/Games 09:37 Computer Pentium MMX 166 Mhz Run Game Test 25:16 Pentium MMX 233 - MS-DOS Benchmarks + 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics (Voodoo 1) with 8MB! 06:32 Pentium 166 MHz gets a voodoo - exciting race at the end of the video 01:24 Unreal benchmark Pentium 1 MMX 166 Voodoo 1 05:49 Building A Pentium 166MMX Gaming PC! 3dfx Voodoo 1 & Sound Blaster AWE 64 11:53 Pentium MMX & 3DFX Voodoo Rush 05:41 Forsaken benchmark Pentium 1 MMX 166 Voodoo 1 06:02 Final Reality - Pentium 1 MMX 166 - Voodoo 1 06:54 3dfx Voodoo Banshee и 3dfx Voodoo2 на AMD K6-2+, Pentium 166 MMX, Pentium III 1 GHz 07:14 Upgrading The 3dfx Pentium 166MMX Computer With A 430TX Motherboard + More Games! 07:24 Pentium vs Pentium MMX 32:48 The 1997 Gaming PC Experience but without any 3dfx Voodoo parts 24:30 Pentium MMX 233 - 3Dfx Voodoo Graphics (Voodoo 1) 8MB running Racing Games from 1998! 17:16 Pentium MMX and SetMul for smooth Retro PC Gaming More results