Planting Hay the Small Farm Way Published 2021-11-01 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 12:27 Seeding Alfalfa and the 9560r makes her debut 17:58 Disc Harrowing Field, Preparing it to plant with Grass Hay 18:02 the complete guide to creating great pastures for your Dexter cattle 09:28 Let's make some HAY! Cutting tedding raking and baling on the FARM! 35:06 Making 1,000 Square Bales of Hay 21:44 Making Gorgeous Alfalfa with my Dad (Step by Step Guide) 04:22 How to Start a Good Alfalfa Stand 12:38 Baling Hay On A Dairy Farm l 1st Crop Small Square Bales l 2024 Hay Season 19:26 Heifer Bull Meets the Herd Bulls! 16:42 Moldboard Plowing Just Like the Good Old Days! 18:07 How To Make A Profit On A Small Scale Farm – 5 Things To Consider 19:07 Meet Zoe Kent - Ohio Farmer 20:37 "Yesterdays Farming" Harvesting 17:30 Deep Ripping & Seeding Alfalfa 18:23 John Deere Tractors Baling My First Alfalfa Crop How Many Bales Will I Get? 21:50 Now That's How You Make Hay!! 25:09 Working My Binder 04:22 Growing Hay for the Cattle - America's Heartland 24:27 Planting Alfalfa with Limited Equipment I Got Creative! 16:24 Cutting, Raking, Baling: Mesmerizing Process Similar videos 17:06 Planting HAY the SMALL farm WAY!! I Couple builds OFF GRID HOMESTEAD I 11:18 Hay Farming Essentials: A Comprehensive Guide to Growing Hay 13:24 Starting A Hay Farm - The Hardest Part 15:10 Planting our our new Hay Field with a custom Grass Mix 09:05 should you make or buy your hay? here's the math for small farms 03:03 Before You Bale Grass Hay: Let Your Field go to Seed Prior to First Cutting! Self-Seeding! 19:57 How We Grow LUSCIOUS Pastures 12:09 Planting Alfalfa & Orchard Grass Hay 12:20 #1 Farming SCAM - You MUST Cut Hay 00:21 Granny’s Net Wrap Rant 😤 #tips #farm #hay #mad 12:40 the basics of cutting hay 05:28 Steps to Planting Hay 04:34 Broadcasting Seed to Improve a Hay Field 19:01 All the equipment needed to make hay on a small farm 31:33 Starting A Hay Farm - Where Does the Money Come From ??? 08:43 Harvesting hay to feed our cattle. What makes for high quality alfalfa hay. 09:08 Yes, You Can Grow Pasture Without ANY Machines More results