Porphyry and Epithermal mineral Deposits Published 2021-09-20 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 03:30 Looking for Copper- How are Porphyry Deposits formed? 04:49 Volcanic Massive Sulphide Mineral Deposits - VMS 04:27 B Type Veins in Porphyry Copper Systems 39:25 ORE DEPOSITS 101 - Part 3 - Porphyries, Skarns & IOCG 17:42 Uncovering The Genius of Fibonnaci Turbines 02:05 How Do Geologists find gold? - Epithermal Deposits 03:29 Carlin Gold Systems Explained 59:07 Steve Garwin - The relationships between mineralization, hydrothermal alteration & magmatic conditio 11:56 New Microchip Breakthrough: New Era in Electronics? 06:37 What the U.S.-Supplied GLSDB Could Mean for the War in Ukraine | WSJ Equipped 09:24 How does a desert turn green? 18:09 Mineral Deposit Formation 04:18 Sedimentary Exhalative Deposits - SEDEX 40:24 What does gold look like in rocks_ Gold bearing rock identification. 25:17 A Gigantic and Mysterious Feature that Nobody has Heard of! 08:28 Perfect Alteration Indicator Porphyry 1:05:53 Lithospheric controls on the formation of porphyry copper deposits: What could possibly go wrong? 55:52 Larry Meinert - Exploration for skarn deposits 1:11:32 Geology 15 (Faults, Folds, and Joints) 26:16 Porphyry copper deposits Similar videos 54:40 Jeffrey Hedenquist - Lithocap alteration, epithermal gold mineralization and... porphyry deposits 34:47 ORE DEPOSITS 101 - Part 5 - Epithermal Deposits 06:43 What are porphyry mineral deposits? How are porphyry deposits formed? 59:50 ODH019: Magmatic–hydrothermal systems and the formation of epithermal deposits – Jeffrey Hedenquist 00:50 How does a Porphyry Rock Form? 09:39 EpithermalExemplar 42:46 The Onto Cu-Au discovery: an extremely young, high sulphidation porphyry deposit 01:11 Epithermal Quartz Gold Vein 1:25:20 ODH057: Tops of alkalic Au-Cu porphyry systems: Exploration challenge & opportunity – Alan Wilson 1:03:00 Greg Corbett - Anatomy of Epithermal and Porphyry Precious Metal Systems 1:00:29 ODH 84: Massive sulfides in the Bor porphyry Cu – epithermal Cu-Au system - Dina Klimentieva 1:01:34 Porphyry-type ore deposits: origins, fertility indicators and exploration targeting More results