Professor Writes a Scientific Paper in a Day Published 2020-11-18 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 06:17 How to identify your cluster variable in mixed models 18:21 Mixed Model Analysis: Real Example 13:57 Are nonparametric statistics useless? 05:24 Is this a controversial opinion about statistics? 22:08 Using Flexplot for Mixed Models 15:38 Fitting mixed models in R (with lme4) 16:38 THIS is the foundation of statistics! 12:29 Creating sum scales in R - Using mutate and across in dplyr 13:12 Are modern robust methods useless? (vlog) 17:45 Recoding and reverse coding variables in dplyr 09:32 Going from wide to long format in R - Pivoting to tidy data with the Tidyverse 15:50 Renaming variables with dplyr in R 06:25 Pivoting multiple variables: A simpler (more complex?) way 47:04 Generalized Linear Mixed Models for Everything 04:36 How I Organize My Life With This Notebook Setup Similar videos 20:32 How to Write an Academic Paper and How Your Professor is Likely to Grade It 35:09 Garry Nolan, Ph.D. on The Material Science of UAP 18:17 Fatima Fellowship Seminar: How to read a scientific paper by Professor Mohamed Abdelfattah 1:00:39 Insider Series: An assistant professor’s guide to writing a scientific review paper 21:26 Why did I reject this paper? Research Paper Rejection Reasons | A/Professor Vidy Potdar 08:21 Master The THEORY Section In Your Research Paper | Business Professor Gives You Inside Secrets 35:33 Word 3G Newsletter and Research Paper Walkabout with Professor Blowers 1:57:16 AAGBS Visiting Professor Talk Series 2022 - How to Write a Publishable Paper and Avoid Rejection 57:29 Research Paper Writing Skills Day1 Session1 by Dr. Salil Kanhere Professor, UNSW, Sydney, Australia 06:06 Professor Bui Server Administration Research Paper Guide 05:58 Christian Student writes a research paper as per her teacher, LDS Teacher gets Miffed. 03:31 Meet the Teacher - Recycled Paper 00:18 Teacher's day card with Doms Brush pen/easy white paper card #trending 05:23 Day 18 - Writing Results Section of Systematic Literature Review Paper | A/Professor Vidy Potdar 02:15 Systematic Literature Review Paper - Main Sections | Answer 1 by Associate Professor Vidy Potdar More results