Quantum Consciousness Debate: Does the Wave Function Actually Exist? | Penrose, Faggin & Kastrup Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 1:04:46 Donald Hoffman - Consciousness, Mysteries Beyond Spacetime, and Waking up from the Dream of Life 1:09:22 Roger Penrose: Time, Black Holes, and the Cosmos 53:43 Should we abandon the multiverse theory? | Sabine Hossenfelder, Roger Penrose, Michio Kaku 44:45 Quantum Computing: Hype vs. Reality 45:45 What Creates Consciousness? 19:42 Space-Time: The Biggest Problem in Physics 1:01:17 Solving the secrets of gravity - with Claudia de Rham 36:39 The quantum world: Dreams and delusions | Roger Penrose, Sabine Hossenfelder, Michio Kaku, and more! 1:25:33 AI and Quantum Computing: Glimpsing the Near Future 34:09 Does Quantum Mechanics Imply Multiple Universes? 55:23 Groundbreaking Consciousness Theory By Microprocessor Inventor | Federico Faggin & Bernardo Kastrup 55:48 Sean Carroll: The many worlds of quantum mechanics 1:27:57 Roger Penrose: Physics of Consciousness and the Infinite Universe | Lex Fridman Podcast #85 19:19 Was Penrose Right? NEW EVIDENCE For Quantum Effects In The Brain 2:46:55 Does Consciousness Extend Beyond Brains? The 2023 Holberg Debate, feat. Seth, Luhrmann, Sheldrake. 31:21 Is Quantum Reality in the Eye of the Beholder? 1:37:29 The NEW Worldview to explain it all | Q&A with Bernardo Kastrup 45:46 Geoffrey Hinton | On working with Ilya, choosing problems, and the power of intuition 34:16 Dark Matters: Have We Really Failed To Identify Most Of The Cosmos? 35:19 Can Particles be Quantum Entangled Across Time? Similar videos 00:55 Offending an entire panel with 10 words 1:01:00 Quantum physics and the first-person perspective, an introduction to the conference 1:40:12 Spacetime is just a headset: An interview with Donald Hoffman 1:41:14 Why Machines Will Never Be Conscious (w/Federico Faggin) 1:55:49 Physics Can't Solve the Measuring Problem: Wolfgang Smith 2:55:26 Zubin: Non-dualism, Self-Fulfilling Beliefs, & Fasting More results