Video blocked SGC Reveal Part 2: Basketball and Football Cards Graded Recommendations 12:29 Can You Make Money Grading Sports Cards With SGC? 10:27 Our First SGC Submittal Blind Reveal - 20 Total Baseball Cards, Basketball Cards and Football Cards 08:28 Is SGC Worth Grading With? SGC Reveal & Thoughts! 16:06 12 card SGC Grading Sub Order Reveal 👍 $15 per. Amazing Turnaround Time! ⚡️PSA BGS crackouts 20:04 My First Ever Grading Submission To SGC - Results Inside!! 05:41 3 Autos! 2023-24 UD Engrained Hockey Box Opening 23:20 PSA 17 card basketball blind reveal. How much did we make?? Is PSA worth the time and effort?? 24:15 My *EPIC* SGC Graded Return! How Good Are They? W/@SlabStox 10:21 SGC Senior Grader Explains How He Grades Cards 😱 SGC Submission Reveal [PART 2 of SGC Tour] 30:51 SGC Reveal #8: 10 Cards, Mostly Vintage Baseball - Nice Results! 09:09 What FOOTBALL CARDS I have been BUYING | MAILDAY #1 | CRAZY DEALS 18:19 How To - Prepping/Submitting Cards To SGC 21:05 SGC Grading ALL ACCESS BEHIND THE SCENES 😱 & Lower Price Announcement! 👀 08:22 My 1st SGC Submission Reveal | My Experience Submitting Sports Cards To SGC Grading 15:55 FINALLY GETTING AN SGC GOLD LABEL 🤯 SGC GRADING SUBMISSION RETURN RESULTS! 06:44 Bedard Card Deal and PSA Reveal 10:01 SGC Grade Reveal. Is It Worth It To Grade With SGC? 11:18 25 CARD SGC VINTAGE REVEAL (AND WHY I THINK SGC GRADES VINTAGE BETTER THAN PSA) 19:02 How to Easily Submit Cards For Grading with SGC! 19:07 🤯 PSA 8 to SGC 10 Gem! 11 Card SGC Instant Reveal Grading Sub Order 👍 + My thoughts & sales data Similar videos 10:15 Bulk SGC Reveal- Basketball/Football Part 2 38:35 301 SGC Card reveal Part 2. This is Football and Basketball cards 17:59 SGC Group Submission #2 Reveal! 18:26 CSG 50 Card Baseball Basketball and Football Blind Reveal Part 2 38:55 SGC Bulk Submission reveal x 215 cards Football Soccer PSA BGS (Part #2) 12:42 MY FULL MICHAEL JORDAN SGC GRADING SUBMISSION REVEAL! 09:11 Massive SGC Order Reveal - Part 2 (Baseball, Football, and Basketball) 23:19 SGC REVEAL 70 cards Part 2 T206 Hockey Baseball Basketball Football 24:12 SGC Bulk Submission reveal x 215 cards Football Soccer PSA BGS (Part #3) 16:19 HUGE 175+ Card SGC Group Reveal! 07:32 Bulk SGC Reveal- Basketball/Football Part 3 06:53 Bulk SGC Reveal- Basketball/Football Part 4 Finale 15:32 SGC Reveal Part 2! 31:30 PART 2 SGC REVEAL BASKETBALL SPECIAL 130 CARDS - 1990's-2019 08:40 SGC Reveal Part 1: Great Results on Hockey and Baseball Cards Graded 07:05 GRADING WEEK PART 2! : 5 Card SGC submission return/reveal. Kevin Porter Jr and more! 03:24 SGC Grade Reveal! Barry Sanders, Steve Young, and....a damaged card? 17:56 WOW! 22-card SGC order vintage baseball & basketball card return! 15:33 SGC Grading 70 Card NFL Football 🏈 Special Reveal Part 1 More results