Shaun Pinner, Macer Gifford and Jonathan MS Pearce - Putin Broken by Kursk, Will he Survive to 2025? Published -- Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 46:43 Ben Hodges - Kursk Counter Offensive May Only be the Start of Ukraine's Operations @SiliconWafers 51:17 John Sweeney - Putin's Uniformed Gangsters have Captured Russian Society, Military, Media, Education 1:07:02 Mark Galeotti - 90's Style Gangster Shootout in Central Moscow within Sight of the Kremlin Walls. 55:06 Michael Sheridan - Documents Suggest that Xi Jinping Secretly Distrusts and Hates Russia 1:11:52 David Gioe, Huw Dylan & Elena Grossfeld: Putin’s (mis)Management of Russian Intelligence Assessments 22:23 Lesia Dubenko - Israeli Strike Shows it's not Afraid of Russia when Upholding its Security Interests 50:41 Anders Puck Nielsen - Russia's Military Strength and Reserves of Equipment may have Already Peaked 1:11:50 Operator Starsky - Episode 500 - Kursk is a Multi-Layered Campaign Utilising Secrecy and Surprise 1:27:39 Inwazja na Liban! Czy Izrael zbombarduje Iran? [+UKRAINA] — płk Piotr Lewandowski i Piotr Zychowicz 33:22 Now Putin Should Be Losing Sleep 1:33:35 Przemoc to podstawowa forma komunikacji w Rosji - Włodzimierz Marciniak - didaskalia#94 19:22 Russian contract soldier turned POW on his capture near Kursk 1:07:18 Mark Galeotti - The Fall, Rise & Fall of One of the Most Dangerous Warlords in Russia and the World. 1:08:19 Cormac Smith & Philip Ingram - We Need to Start Imagining a Russian Defeat and Preparing for 'Chaos' 41:04 Pekka Kallioniemi (Vatnik Soup) - Follow the Money to See how Russia Poisons the Information Space 3:29:15 Eric Weinstein - Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? (4K) 17:35 Gen. Ben Hodges on Ukraine's Kursk incursion in Russia 1:07:37 Mark Galeotti - The Russian Ways of War are as Likely to Bring Defeat as Victory History Suggests. 1:02:22 Cormac Smith & Philip Ingram - Dithering and Delay by Allies is Causing Ukraine to Slowly Bleed Out 1:05:21 Anna Danylchuk - Ukraine's Kursk Incursion Changes Dynamics of War & Boosts Morale @AnnafromUkraine