Star Trek - Stunned By Phasers Published 2009-08-21 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 02:05 Piece of the action Ending 03:12 Star Trek - Death of A Dictator? 03:21 The USS Enterprise in Pursuit of the Alien Vessel Which Destroyed the Outpost 01:01 I'm a doctor, not a... 03:45 Star Trek Zefram Cochrane Warp Flight 03:09 Captain Kirk Meets Gary Seven 02:38 Star Trek - Back In Nazi Germany? 03:14 Star Trek - A New Generation Every Three Hours 04:56 The Organians Prophecy The Klingons and The Federation Will Become Friends 04:30 Outpost Four Destroyed 02:19 Star Trek - Kirk and Spock Escape 04:26 Enterprise Battle Against the Unknown Vessel Part 1 03:02 The USS ENTERPRISE Chasing the Gorn Ship Part I 04:48 Landru is A Machine 02:45 Star Trek - Forced to Fight 04:39 The Enterprise Crosses the Romulan Neutral Zone 03:11 Star Trek - Missile Alert 04:42 Dr. McCoy and Mr. Spock Confront Kirk in his Quarters Similar videos 01:35 Ship's Phasers on "Stun" 03:35 Star Trek - What phasers do 01:09 Star Trek - Phaser Overload 10:34 Star Trek Hand Phasers (and Phase Pistols), 1966-2005 12:29 Star Trek: 10 Things You Didn't Know About Phasers 01:39 Star Trek Moments TNG - Episode. - 50. The Ensigns Of Command. 03:41 Star Trek STNG Moments 57 The Vengeance Factor 02:07 Star Trek - Picard and Riker blow up an alien 04:02 T for Tiberius - Phasers on Stun (Star Trek: TOS tribute) 00:49 Star Trek Phasers 00:26 Star Trek Vaporizing 00:14 Star Trek Phaser laser blast, firing on Stun setting 02:48 Event Horizon - Phasers to Stun 19:31 Star Trek - Part 1 - Phasers Set to Stun 16:33 The Science of Star Trek's Phasers 01:18 Phasers on Stun 04:08 Star Trek is Setting Phasers to Stun - Gamescom 2012 00:14 Star Trek: TOS Sound Effects - "Phaser Stun" (6 times) More results