Testcontainers have forever changed the way I write tests Published 2024-04-23 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 12:58 Using docker in unusual ways 13:30 Tmux has forever changed the way I write code. 12:00 Event-Driven Architecture (EDA) vs Request/Response (RR) 10:25 The purest coding style, where bugs are near impossible 12:10 Zed kills VSCode 14:30 If you're not developing with this, you're wasting your time 09:34 zig is the future of programming. here's why. 14:00 I Bought a Recording Jammer. It’s Legal. 15:33 Pretty much every website uses the wrong font size… 05:45 Never install locally 06:56 Why Great Developers DON'T Create Content (and a lesson to learn) 14:39 The cloud is over-engineered and overpriced (no music) 04:32 Go 1.22 is bringing about a new future for the language. 11:11 How principled coders outperform the competition 21:02 When RESTful architecture isn't enough... 14:39 The cloud is over-engineered and overpriced 17:07 the truth behind airplane mode 24:43 Interview With A Sr JavaScript Dev | Prime Reacts 21:24 Signals. I spent 2 years to understand this part. 06:34 Should you learn Elixir in 2024? Similar videos 46:25 Testcontainers - The past, the present and the future - Kevin Wittek (EN) | JCON 2020 1:05:43 2024-03 Testcontainers experience for local development and testing 1:05:38 Testcontainers Desktop: questions, answers, and more 35:22 Real Integration Tests with TestContainers - Philipp Krenn, Elastic 25:06 Running complex testing project setups with Testcontainers 1:02:15 Testcontainers & Clojure! Live Coding and Talk with Kevin Wittek 34:41 How Improving the Testing Experience Goes Beyond Quality: A Developer Productivity Point of View 1:00:24 Testcontainers and Spring Boot for local development and integration testing 54:33 Next-Gen Testing Tools for Java by Daniel Hinojosa 49:38 Integration Testing with Docker and Testcontainers by Kevin Wittek 57:18 Quarkus & Testcontainers - Perfect synergy for cloud-native development |DevNation Tech Talk 42:20 Replicating production on your laptop using the magic of containers | Jamie Coleman (EN) 29:40 Java Testing Made Easy: Quick tour of most commonly used JUnit 5 features 2:09:31 Crossing the Streams 006 - TestContainers, Kafka Clusters and Spring #CrossingTheStreams 1:11:47 Spring Office Hours: Episode 18 - Testing with Ted 50:55 Experiences from large project maintenance at the Norwegian tax authority by Rafael Winterhalter 1:01:59 Sebastian Daschner - Make writing tests more joyful 48:55 Can Everyone Be a 10x Developer? • Steve Poole • Devoxx Poland 2022 More results