The Brain, the Sacred and the Soul - Iain McGilchrist and Thomas Steininger of Evolve Published 2023-09-19 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 1:07:52 A Divided Brain and an Addicted World: The Missing Link? — Dr Iain McGilchrist 1:40:48 Is Value fundamental to the cosmos? Iain McGilchrist in conversation with Zak Stein 1:14:40 Right - Left Brain Worldviews and the Kabbalah - Iain McGilchrist & Hyman Schipper 1:16:04 Catalyzing the awakened we-space w/ Thomas Steininger and Elizabeth Debold Voices with Vervaeke 51:20 The Sense of the Sacred | Iain McGilchrist with Jnanavaca 1:37:20 Imagination: A Way to Remake the World - Iain McGilchrist & Phoebe Tickell 1:04:12 A Revolution in Thought? - Dr Iain McGilchrist 1:04:06 The Beshara Lecture - the Coincidence of Opposites 1:13:07 Human Nature and the Divided Brain | Iain McGilchrist 50:33 Beauty, Value & Purpose | Iain McGilchrist with Maitreyabandhu 1:39:40 Are we unmaking the world? Iain McGilchrist & Bonnitta Roy in Conversation 50:44 Dr. Ian McGilchrist in conversation with Dr. Ash Ranpura 58:32 How Our Brains Model Reality & the True Nature of the World | Iain McGilchrist 36:01 Consciousness and material reality | Avshalom Elitzur 1:27:19 Consciousness and the Mind Body Connection – Professor Mark Solms 36:41 Art, God and Beauty -a conversation with Iain McGilchrist 1:41:20 Beyond the Mechanistic Conception of Reality - Iain McGilchrist & Philip Goyal in Conversation 1:36:35 Metaphysics & the Matter with Things. An Evening with Iain McGilchrist 46:19 McGilchrist - Hemispheric Asymmetry and the Approach to the Divine Similar videos 1:22:40 Iain McGilchrist on The Divided Brain and Perceiving the Sacred 1:53:14 Iain McGilchrist: "Wisdom, Nature and the Brain" | The Great Simplification #85 2:13:12 Understanding The Matter with Things Dialogues Episode 28: Ch 28 The sense of the sacred 1:03:12 Beyond Materialism: The Matter With Things | with Dr. Iain McGilchrist 1:29:01 Wonder and Enchantment - Iain McGilchrist and Patrick Curry 1:04:13 The world is not a problem - Iain McGilchrist and Dougald Hine 1:04:06 The Coincidence of Opposites. Iain McGilchrist. Part 1: Main Lecture 1:07:49 A Conversation with Iain McGilchrist 58:23 Iain McGilchrist, Michael Levin and Richard Watson conversation 2 13:17 The Myth of Left-Brain vs. Right-Brain Personalities 58:05 Relational Neuroscience, Spirituality & Inner Community - Dr Bonnie Badenoch 1:20:03 Iain McGilchrist and D C Schindler: Is Love the Source and Sustenance of Everything in the Universe? 26:46 Dr Iain McGilchrist, The Civil Discourse (Season 4) 1:13:39 Dr Iain McGilchrist: We are living in a deluded world 03:14 NEUROSCIENTIST Explains How The Mind Is The HUMAN SOUL & SPIRIT w/ Dr. Caroline Leaf 1:54:44 JP New Politics - The Matter with Things Iain McGilchrist EP 278 - Jordan Peterson 2023 More results