The Lord is........ | by Snr Prophet Justice Hara Published 2019-12-23 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 44:31 THINGS DON'T JUST HAPPEN | SNR PROPHET JUSTICE HARA 05:10 Prophet Mboro sets the record straight about heaven 05:01 SHOCKING: SEE WHAT HAPPENED TO JAY ISRAEL WHEN HE WENT TO APOLOGISE TO PROPHET JEREMIAH 02:38 PROPHETIC WARNING: America WILL Betray Israel | Uebert Angel 05:06 CROSSOVER 2023 WITH MAJOR 1 | Time For Wealth Transfer | ECG TJNC ARUSHA 02:49 3 Forms Forms of Power | Prophet Shepherd Bushiri 04:40 Apostle Nick Magola prophecies about Senior Prophet Justice Hara on Prophetic Channel 41:16 HOW GOD TRANSFERS WEALTH 06:09 Prophet Shepherd Bushiri ANOINTS his SON in UGANDA - The first of its kind! 05:27 SPECIAL MESSAGE FROM MAJOR 1 | FROM THE MOUNTAIN 08:02 How To Provoke The Presence Of Angels | Prophet Uebert Angel 03:33 "DON'T COME BACK ITS THE MOVE OF GOD" AS BUSHIRI LAYS INTO HIS PASTORS WHO RESIGNED RECENTLY 03:29 Prophet Hara & DD Isaac Prophesying in tongues 03:32 Am not brainwashed, I've seen the Glory of God in ECG _ Snr Prophet Justice Hara 41:19 Prophet Justice Hara. SALVATION 03:41 BREAKING: STOP THE DRAMA! SEER REPLIES BUSHIRI OVER ALLEGATIONS OF POACHING MEMBERS 1:13:42 Bóg wylewa sąd na kłamców (17.02.2024) – Pastor Andrzej Cyrikas #chwe #andrzejcyrikas 04:12 Prophet Hara makes a statement on his wedding Anniversary 10:19 Major 1 Prophet Shepherd Bushiri Anoints Snr Prophet Justice Hara 44:10 Dutch Sheets SHOCKING PROPHECY 🔥 THE IMPACT OF DUTCH SHEETS Similar videos 14:29 Snr Prophet Justice Hara :THE WORD full 3:39:55 Sunday 18/08/2019 Full Sermon | Snr Prophet Justice Hara 03:20 PRAYER FOR YOU BY Snr.Prophet Justice Hara 01:58 SNR J Prayer Moments | Prophet Justice Hara 1:26:41 29th September 2019 Sunday Service Full Sermon | Snr Prophet Justice Hara 44:25 THE WHOLE ARMOUR OF GOD | SNR PROPHET JUSTICE HARA 3:51:35 TANZANIA POWER OF DELIVERANCE DAY 1 WITH SENIOR PROPHET JUSTICE HARA 41:19 SALVATION _ SNR PROPHET JUSTICE HARA 1:12:25 The Spiritual Realm | Snr Prophet Justice Hara 03:39 Prophet Justice Hara 2021 Prayer @ Miracle Crossover Night 4:26:48 End of the Matter | Namibia Windhoek The Jesus Nation 12:27 Snr.Prophet Justice Hara -OUT OF THE EATER (part A) 49:07 HOW TO KEEP THE FIRE FOR GOD BURNING 3:56:12 17th November 2019 Sunday Service | Snr Prophet Justice Hara 23:32 Jesus is Coming soon & very soon | Prophet Justice Hara 12:47 24th November 2019 Sunday Service | Snr Prophet Justice Hara (Clip 2) More results