Video blocked The Mangonel & other Siege (pt1) -- AoE2 Unit Theorycraft Recommendations 52:07 The Venetians -- AoE2 Civ Theorycraft 31:37 The Swordsman & Greatswordsman -- AoE2 Unit Theorycraft 34:55 AoE2 Theorycrafted Unit -- The Arquebusier 27:53 The Bowman & Crossbowman -- AoE2 Unit Theorycraft 11:22 AoM Retold Triggers 08: Objectives 49:56 The Khitans -- AoE2 Civ Theorycraft 28:34 AoE2 Theorycrafted Unit -- The Footman 1:14:20 The Temple & Shrine -- AoE2 Building/Unit Theorycraft 36:17 The CHONTALS -- Reworking the AoE2 Mayans (LAVAnilla Episode 10) 10:45 Inside the 40 Year-Long Dungeons & Dragons Game | Obsessed | WIRED 34:54 The Strategy that is BANNED in Tournaments! 45:17 The MIXTECS -- A History-First AoE2 Civ Proposal (LAVAnilla Episode 9) 27:29 The Cholas - AoE2 Civilisation Concept (including tech tree) 35:10 The SILLANS -- A History-First AoE2 Civ Proposal (LAVAnilla Episode 4) 44:36 TALES OF GOLD -- A History-First AoE2 Expansion Proposal (LAVAnilla Episode 8) 35:55 The SONGHAI -- A History-First AoE2 Civ Proposal (LAVAnilla Episode 6) 16:00 Byzantine Overview AoE2 17:18 Aoe2: Is It Possible to Win the Joan of Arc Campaign Without Killing Enemy Units? 40:00 The MALIANS -- A History-First AoE2 Civ Redesign (LAVAnilla Episode 7) 12:51 Britons: AoE2 vs History Similar videos 00:55 Age of empires 2 new Civ concept art 47:11 The Telugus -- AoE2 Civ Theorycraft with Sairam 1:21:54 Fixing Every Age of Empires 2 Civilization in 5 Minutes (but not really...) 09:31 The ROMANS -- My Build vs Official Build 2:52:00 TheoryRecraft #2, LIVE! 38:58 The Khitans: AOE2 DE Civilization Concept Overview 44:02 The Welsh -- AoE2 Civ Theorycraft 26:15 How much can AoE2 add to WEST AFRICA? More results