Video blocked The Mongolian man sat on the grassland and sang Humai with the horse head fiddle. He was shocked! Recommendations 09:19 The Mongolian characteristic "Humai", Humai taught himself, the singing method is amazing 04:58 20160117 传承者 期 马头琴秀绝技 60年全力传承感人 04:28 Southerners come to Inner Mongolia to eat "mutton": Brother Enke personally receives 4:14:24 蒙古傳統喉音 泛音唱法(呼麦)人聲放空 04:00 Who said that only men can sing Houma! Beard brother takes you to a female Houma singer 22:54 336集 四年後與蒙古國草原姐妹重逢 妹妹拉著探長見母親 姐姐又怎樣了?🇲🇳|冒險雷探長|Lei's adventure 06:53 Da Zhuang and the matchmaker have their first date on the lake 03:16 【纯享】马头琴大师齐·宝力高演奏《大地的心声+万马奔腾》人琴合一的草原天籁!| CCTV「非遗里的中国 年度盛典」 04:37 恒哈图 Huun Huur Tu《低音呼麦 KARGYRAA》战马时代 Stallion Era 05:50 20150822 乡村大世界 :呼麦女王展唱功惊呆俩美女 04:16 【纯享】蒙古族呼麦、长调、马头琴悠扬深情!安达组合主唱其其格玛演唱《锦棘草》 | CCTV「原声天籁——中国民歌盛典」 14:55 马头琴:蒙古族民歌《牧歌》《万马奔腾》 表演者:金山 05:59 Mongolian Humai's special singing method, you are great when you make this sound! ! 04:24 How do Inner Mongolians entertain guests? A steak + lamb chops in the morning 09:25 蒙古族小伙超强“呼麦”模仿羊马骆驼,能唱万物,万物皆灵【中国农民歌会】 05:11 驯服一匹4岁大的蒙古野马有多难?东北妹子看的吓懵了,大开眼界 02:54 【明日之子第四季 SUPERBAND】 呼麦一出,谁与争锋!哈拉木吉、萨木哈尔《权御天下》,将草原的旷世之感带到舞台! 邓紫棋周震南惊呆了! 04:11 蒙古人 - 马头琴。民歌经典。Mongolian Songs 05:02 民安的呼麥教室4 khoomii (throat singing) 03:44 Come to Enke's house to eat meat, and Beard is embarrassed: sing a song called Humai as a payment Similar videos 1:23:55 【EP25】张歆梦穿蒙古族新娘服走秀 周漩变草原许文强 | 燃烧的月亮 FULL | The Moon is Shining | iQIYI综艺 2:04:31 【超好看民国剧】掌家弃少 02 | 老爷贪赌竟把自己妻儿当赌资,败光家产后小少爷扛起重担复兴家族! More results