The 'Sykes-Picot' borders ISIL wants gone Published 2014-06-29 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 13:56 Japan vs. The Islamic State 12:52 Sykes-Picot Agreement and the Balfour Declaration | The 20th century | World history | Khan Academy 02:52 Israel-Lebanon tension: Violence forces thousands to flee southern Lebanon 28:42 Ukraine prepares for strikes on staging areas in Russia | George Barros 03:06 The Newsmakers: Sykes Picot: 100 Years On 25:05 How Somalia Fought Britain For 20 Years - Anglo-Somali War (Dervish Movement Documentary) 03:57 Violent crime in South Africa reaches record high | BBC News 10:19 The Middle East's cold war, explained 13:08 The Problem With the Middle East's Borders 08:58 💥Омелян: ПАНІКА НА БАНКОВІЙ / Реакція Заходу на переслідування журналістів 08:03 The Balfour Declaration's impact, 100 years on 03:48 More public rift between Israel and US 02:51 Iraq diplomacy: Pressure mounting in relations with Iran & US. 03:20 What's the Balfour Declaration? And how did it MESS UP the Middle East? 31:47 The Polish-Lithuanian War 1919-1920 (Documentary) 12:06 The Decision That Ruined the Middle East 57:59 The Two Faces of Communism 07:19 WW2: The Emergence of Nazism and the Holocaust | The Jewish Story | Unpacked 47:18 Palestine 1920: The Other Side of the Palestinian Story | Al Jazeera World Documentary 01:47 Explainer: Sykes-Picot at 100 - Still haunting the Middle East Similar videos 01:27 Sykes-Picot: Would redrawing the borders improve the Middle East? | IN 60 SECONDS 41:28 Broken Borders, Broken States: One Hundred Years After Sykes-Picot 10:23 Dividing Up The Middle East - The Sykes-Picot Agreement I THE GREAT WAR Week 92 02:34 Middle East bears scars of Sykes-Picot Treaty 08:36 Bulldozing the Border Between Iraq and Syria: The Islamic State 01:01 The Islamic State's real target: The Sykes-Picot Agreement - 60-Second Know-It-All 1:26:06 Broken Borders, Broken States: One Hundred Years After Sykes-Picot pt2 2:26:23 The Sykes-Picot Agreement at 100: Rethinking the map of the modern Middle East | LIVE STREAM 10:31 The Secret Agreement That Shaped the Middle East | History of Israel Explained | Unpacked 1:37:36 Foreign Affairs LIVE: Sykes Picot At 100 24:44 The Stream - Sykes-Picot at 100 01:40 A century of conflict in the Middle East 37:22 Why the Middle East’s Borders Guarantee Forever Wars 01:50 The Disastrous Legacy of Sykes-Picot More results