"TO DO BUSINESS" in Cantonese (做生意) with Movie Examples Published 2020-03-08 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 00:26 "KITCHEN" in Cantonese (廚房) with Movie Examples 10:45 香港豪門最強正宮:隱忍40年熬死花心丈夫,趕出各路情婦私生子,獨佔70億遺產 10:03 凱特已死? 英王室史上最大醜聞! 手術是假,被刺是真! 捉'姦威廉遭小三連'捅多刀! 卡米拉背後陰謀震驚全球!#HK資訊 37:40 糖尿病患者福音!用这4个中药煮水喝,血糖3天降低到正常值,20年血糖都没再升高过!【本草养生大智慧】 14:17 2024年2月24日 李影在溫哥華逝世,圈中藝人懷念她。 04:10 5 ways to say the English word "Cantonese" in Chinese 五种中文表达英语单词Cantinese #learncantonese 41:06 無綫TVB 730一小時新聞|據報金正恩另有長子 因太瘦弱及外表不似曾祖父無公開亮相|援烏克蘭國際會議巴黎召開 馬克龍指不排除與會各國派兵援助|肉骨茶列大馬美食遺產掀爭議|20240227 00:55 "BECAUSE, FOR THE PURPOSE OF" in Cantonese (為咗) with Movie Examples 11:17 #米紙|堅持即拉即賣30年 68歲龍鬚糖師傅傳承民間手藝 嘆香港師傅只剩數人近幾失傳 徒兒到加拿大唐人街販賣龍鬚糖 Ruby實試拉糖 師傅大讚:出色!#就業姐 00:49 "TO EAT SOMETHING" in Cantonese (食嘢) with Movie Examples 00:20 "PROMISE" in Cantonese (答應) with Movie Examples 01:44 "IMMEDIATELY" in Cantonese (即刻) with Movie Examples 09:57 咸菜哥他儿子一个月真的能挣两万块钱吗?是不是又吹牛了 00:22 "HAIR" in Cantonese (頭髮) with Movie Examples 00:54 "TO CONTROL" in Cantonese (控制) with Movie Examples 00:30 "TO DISCOVER" in Cantonese (發現) with Movie Examples 00:33 "LOST; UNABLE TO FIND" in Cantonese (唔見咗) with Movie Examples 00:21 "RICH" in Cantonese (有錢) with Movie Examples 00:19 "HELP" in Cantonese (幫助) with Movie Examples 00:31 "VERY FUNNY" in Cantonese (好笑) with Movie Examples Similar videos 00:25 "ACCORDING TO" in Cantonese (根據) with Movie Examples 00:24 "CLEVER" in Cantonese (聰明) with Movie Examples 00:39 "TALK" in Cantonese (講嘢) with Movie Examples 00:28 "ORDINARY" in Cantonese (普通) with Movie Examples 00:20 "LIFE" in Cantonese (生命) with Movie Examples 01:18 "EVERYONE" in Cantonese (大家) with Movie Examples 00:22 "HONEST" in Cantonese (老實) with Movie Examples 00:26 "THE WAY OF SAYING SOMETHING" in Cantonese (講法) with Movie Examples 00:26 "BUSY" in Cantonese (唔得閒) with Movie Examples 00:20 "POSITION" in Cantonese (位置) with Movie Examples 01:04 "HONG KONG" in Cantonese (香港) with Movie Examples 00:30 "HERE; AT THIS PLACE" in Cantonese (喺呢度) with Movie Examples 00:36 "ANY MORE QUESTIONS?" in Cantonese (仲有咩問題) with Movie Examples 00:39 "ONLY" in Cantonese (只不過) with Movie Examples 00:53 "GOOD MORNING" in Cantonese (早晨) with Movie Examples More results