Understanding Aboriginal Identity Published 2015-05-01 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 23:48 Wahkohtowin: Cree Natural Law 39:20 Enquête | METIS : TO BE OR NOT TO BE 56:04 Dakota Exile | Full Documentary 16:55 Warriors Off The Res: Aboriginal Gangs in Winnipeg 40:26 Episode 1: The Beginning | Understanding Indigenous History: A Path Forward 16:25 First Nations families weigh children's education vs. safety 10:32 Did You Know? - The History of Louis Riel 05:50 IDENTITY 13:22 Indigenous In Plain Sight | Gregg Deal | TEDxBoulder 23:55 Identity Crisis | APTN Investigates 47:31 Canada's Dark Secret | Featured Documentaries 18:36 Stolen Children | Residential School survivors speak out 34:24 Indigenous Communities: Surviving Canada 24:22 Prohibition in Northern Canada: VICE INTL (Canada) 1:22:16 Episode 3: Impact of Assimilation | Understanding Indigenous History: A Path Forward 50:52 First Contact participants reunite to speak about their 28 day journey | APTN InFocus 23:51 Cows and Plows | APTN Investigates 21:57 Crimes against children at residential school: The truth about St. Anne's - The Fifth Estate 16:35 The power of sharing history through story-telling! | Dan Nanamkin | TEDxSpokane 08:10 Death at Residential Schools Similar videos 01:34 Understanding Aboriginal Identity Trailer 1:20:36 Understanding Indigenous Identity Webinar 51:42 Indigenous Identity | Full Episode | SBS Insight 11:29 Understanding Indigenous Culture in Australia | Q+A 21:05 Ask us anything: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people 01:15 Connection To Country - Why is it important to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people? 1:01:44 Webinar: Understanding Aboriginal Cultural Identity, Resilience, & Adults Looking After Themselves 14:14 Identity & post-secondary: a First Nations experience | Amy Smoke | TEDxKitchenerED 03:04 Indigenous Identity Discussion Full Interview 23:13 Tradition, Culture, Heritage, and Claims of Aboriginal Identity. 01:27 Indigenous Canada - A Story to Tell 01:30 What's one thing about Aboriginal people or cultures that others can't seem to understand? 03:48 Aboriginal Kinship presentation: Nations, Clans and Family Groups 05:48 Canadian Identity - Aboriginal Perspectives 26:25 Aboriginal Culture Demystified: 7 Clear Understandings 04:03 Understanding Intergenerational Trauma 00:31 Pieces explores a young man's journey to understand his Indigenous identity 02:11 Why a student hid his Indigenous identity More results