Velkoz 08:01 Vel'Koz skills as they should be. Doom Bot Vel'Koz 00:50 Vel'Koz: First Contact | New Champion Teaser - League of Legends 11:38 The Vel'Koz Geometry PERFECTION... 10:24 This is What 10,000 Hours of Vel'Koz Looks Like 10:52 The Only Vel'Koz Guide You Need in Season 14... 11:13 RHOBALAS VELKOZ MONTAGE - RANK#1 Vel'koz Main l LOL SPACE 5:40:55 Vel'Koz Mid/Sup, PBE Testing | Jungle Climb Monday Start 00:55 What Makes Vel'Koz a Hard Champion? 08:29 10 Levels of Vel'Koz GEOMETRY 52:54 ARCANE FAN watches League of Legends cinematics for the FIRST TIME! 03:00 3 Minute Vel'Koz Guide - A Guide for League of Legends 00:58 Why Pro Players Don't Pick Vel'Koz? 01:00 First Time Vel'Koz... 02:20 Vel'Koz, the Eye of the Void | Login Screen - League of Legends 01:00 Riot August Dared Me to Play Vel'Koz Jungle... 00:33 don't do this mistake on vel'koz 👈😨 00:42 Riot August Realized Vel'Koz NEEDS BUFFS 00:30 Why Azzapp Plays Vel'Koz... 50:04 I GOT SO FED ON VEL'KOZ MY LASER ONE SHOT ANYTHING! (1100 AP, 27 KILLS) More results