We were losing all game, but no one can stop ZERI MID LATEGAME | 13.9 - League of Legends Published 2023-05-14 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 33:11 Zac Mid is going to be the Off-Meta pick that gets me to Masters | 13.9 - League of Legends 26:41 The ABSOLUTE BEST AP ZERI MID Game You Will EVER SEE. I ONE-SHOT with a SINGLE W. 22 KILLS | 12.11 16:57 How A Cat Killed Competitive League of Legends 42:21 JHIN, BUT EVERY SHOT DOES SOMETHING NEW (THE PERFECT BUILD) 21:13 UNRANKED TO CHALLENGER WITH ZERI | I EXPLAIN YOU EVERYTHING #1 38:44 Akali went 0/11/0 against my Lulu Mid. (Lulu is an INSANE Lane Bully) | Off-Meta Masters Climb 32:08 Losing by 7500 Gold by 17 min? Don't worry. I'm Gwen. I scale. | 13.15 - League of Legends 41:36 WOW! THIS ZERI REWORK JUST COMPLETELY BROKE HER (EVERY SPELL CHANGED) 1:01:49 REWORKED REKSAI MID is UNKILLABLE. CRAZY HEALING Makes You IGNORE ALL TRADES 29:50 They took my Zoe... So I picked the biggest Zoe counter I know. | Challenger Yone | 11.18 34:49 Off-meta climb to Masters is starting off well... | Evelynn Mid | 13.8 - League of Legends 34:45 I got flamed while being the only person keeping us in the game as Sylas Mid 26:04 If you main a Ganking Jungler, watch this video - Dispelling the Low Elo Narrative as Xin Zhao 57:10 AP Rakan Mid but I go against a Scripter (Dodges every skillshot with a program) | Off-Meta Climb 36:19 Gain more AD every Kill (AD Mejais now exists) | Mid Briar 35:06 Super Zap Zeri is the most BROKEN thing of Season 13... and this video proves it 20:07 The Man Who Solved League of Legends 41:03 AZIR feels SO GOOD NOW (BIG BUFFS to his SOLDIER DAMAGE), he is a hypercarry again. | 13.7 Similar videos 00:38 AP Zeri is not balanced 💀 00:10 Where did she hide it? 12:23 How to Fix "Win Lane - Lose Game" 1:04:51 How I AMUMU Jungle | 14.17 12:20 Why You SUCK at Support (And How to Fix It) - League of Legends 13:24 The TRUTH Behind 10 CS Per Minute - League of Legends 13:09 Why GOOD Players Get STUCK in LOW ELO - League of Legends 00:49 Why Ninja Stopped Playing With DrLupo! 16:38 Why YOU SUCK at TOP LANE (And How To Fix It) 14:33 The ONLY MID LANE MACRO Guide You NEED for Season 13 - League of Legends 46:46 Climbing to CHALLENGER as a BEGINNER 13:00 Why Top Laners SUCK at CARRYING GAMES Even When Fed! 16:18 Why You DON'T WIN More & Should Use This MID GAME MACRO Trick! 😱 (Fix Mid/Late Game Mistakes) 14:35 Is Top Lane The Worst Role In League of Legends? 25:18 How To Win More League of Legends Games (No, Seriously) 33:22 My team was BEGGING for FF. But my Ekko is 1v9. | 13.5 - League of Legends 16:27 The ONLY JUNGLE MACRO Guide You'll EVER NEED - League of Legends 36:13 Do You Remember The Champion So Broken Riot Tried To Hide It? | A League Of Legends Movie 2:45:31 FULL EDUCATIONAL day with BEGINNER Top lane champions: GAREN NASUS AND MORDEKAISER More results