Webinar AmSur /AmSul-Universes as BigData: Physics, Geometry and Machine-Learning-Yang-Hui He Published 2023-06-03 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 1:01:32 How geometry created modern physics – with Yang-Hui He 1:23:52 Chiara Marletto | Beyond Quantum Computation: Constructor Theory 26:45 Googles New Robot Just SHOCKED The Entire INDUSTRY (MOBILE ALOHA) 3:53:53 Machine Learning for Everybody – Full Course 51:31 11. Introduction to Machine Learning 1:29:57 Unifying Nature’s Laws: The State of String Theory 3:33:03 Deep Learning: A Crash Course (2018) | SIGGRAPH Courses 2:47:03 Tensorflow et l'apprentissage profond, sans les équations différentielles (Martin Görner) 1:03:43 How to Speak 1:14:24 1. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 1:15:31 Harvard Debate Review: Atheist Scientist Defends James Tour and Debunks Lee Cronin's Assembly Theory 42:26 Artificial intelligence and algorithms: pros and cons | DW Documentary (AI documentary) 46:18 10 ML algorithms in 45 minutes | machine learning algorithms for data science | machine learning 08:00 String Theory Explained – What is The True Nature of Reality? 21:16 Shannon Entropy and Information Gain 15:11 Bayes theorem, the geometry of changing beliefs 57:50 Wolfram Physics II: Emergent Hypergraph Geometry and General Relativity 42:09 Teach me STATISTICS in half an hour! Seriously. 51:46 Connections between physics and deep learning