What should we value about AI? | Richard Harbridge | TEDxOshawa Published 2024-06-21 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 12:58 The science behind dramatically better conversations | Charles Duhigg | TEDxManchester 14:53 The secret to getting better sleep tonight | James Leinhardt | TEDxManchester 13:58 How to think better at work | Chris Thomason | TEDxReigate 16:18 Whose stories are we living? | John Sautelle | TEDxCanberra 13:16 Generative AI is just the Beginning AI Agents are what Comes next | Daoud Abdel Hadi | TEDxPSUT 10:07 Between imagination and reality | Sheldon Casavant | TEDxVancouver 16:43 Why is the Science of Nutrition Ignored in Medicine? | T. Colin Campbell | TEDxCornellUniversity 18:33 How To Eliminate Self Doubt Forever & The Power of Your Unconscious Mind | Peter Sage | TEDxPatras 16:13 Why do we celebrate incompetent leaders? | Martin Gutmann | TEDxBerlin 19:27 The first 20 hours -- how to learn anything | Josh Kaufman | TEDxCSU 11:46 How to challenge your negative self-talk | Josh Green | TEDxSurrey 11:56 Secrets of the 6%: How to Achieve Your Goals in Business and Life | Dr. Michelle Rozen | TEDxUNLV 17:36 Mechanika kwantowa i upadek starej fizyki | Andrzej Dragan | TEDxPoznan 25:21 5 steps to designing the life you want | Bill Burnett | TEDxStanford 09:19 Disconnecting worry from what matters most | Zehra Mahoon | TEDxOshawa 09:59 The Gut-Brain Axis: Looking after your gut to look after your brain | Charlotte Crawford | TEDxUCL 13:24 The 4 phases of retirement | Dr. Riley Moynes | TEDxSurrey 09:21 Unlocking team success: 5 crucial environmental factors | Diondra Filicetti | TEDxOshawa 09:19 The Geopolitical Influence of Big Tech Companies | Manas Chawla | TEDxUCL