Video blocked 丈夫和小三殉情,妻子不哭不鬧,把2人埋一起成全狗男女 Recommendations 1:03:37 【Full Movie】The husband cheated, the wife immediately divorced and took her son abroad! 11:42 Husband and mistress died for love, wife buried them together to fulfill them 07:01 Husband dies with his mistress and wife buries them together as revenge! 1:08:17 Wife saw husband cheating on mistress, took off wedding ring and filed for divorce,husband panicked! 05:30 She got her husband's inheritance of 800,000 yuan, but her husband's mistress made her unhappy 09:52 Husband just died, mistress immediately robbed all property and drove away wife 1:06:18 【Full Movie】An 8-year-old girl competes with a top sniper, shocking everyone! 09:45 Husband asked the mistress to force his pregnant wife to divorce, wife made him regret it! 19:30 The husband took his mistress to catch the adulterer, but when he saw his wife, he panicked 1:02:32 【Full Movie】Mistress caused wife to have a miscarriage, husband beats her on the spot! 18:27 The mistress used the father's ex-wife to frame the wife, and was slapped when she failed 1:02:34 【Full Movie】Wife, who never dressed up, wears red lips to divorce; cheating husband regrets! 08:10 Husband and mistress died for love, and wife buried them together to fulfill them 1:00:11 A rich girl hits on a hot doctor at the hospital, and the ascetic doctor turns her on. 19:52 CEO met ex-wife 2 years after the divorce and found out she had a daughter,instantly regretted it 19:53 Husband took the mistress to buy jewelry, wife witnessed everything outside the door! 1:15:37 After the divorce, she returned with her twins 6 years later, stunning the world! 1:01:41 She saw her husband carrying his mistress and asked for a divorce. He begged her for forgiveness at 18:27 The husband scolded his wife for the mistress, wife decisively packed her bags and left him 32:16 Husband finally saw the true face of his mistress, began to regret it and pursue wife again! Similar videos 08:51 小三害妻子流產逼她讓位,妻子不哭不鬧,果斷離婚成全狗男女 09:00 妻子不相信去世的丈夫出軌,下秒看到他和小三200頁的開房記錄,瞬間崩潰! 10:07 出軌丈夫把錢全給小三,妻子狠狠報復,1頓飯讓他徹底破產! 09:07 小三從妻子手裡搶走丈夫,如今落得丈夫女兒雙雙背叛的下場,活該! 08:56 小三搞垮丈夫揚長而去,妻子隨手挑選4塊石頭,幫丈夫東山再起! 08:24 丈夫在外養小三,妻子發現後不吵不鬧,一招狠狠報復他! 08:09 丈夫和小三鬼混完又找妻子親熱,妻子嫌他髒,直接一腳把他踹下床! 08:03 100個電話都不接,丈夫竟帶著小三殉情了,妻子的反應震驚所有人! 11:32 出軌丈夫高速上把妻子扔下車,妻子轉頭就上了總裁的車,把他氣個半死! 10:02 小三曝光和丈夫的親密照,妻子當場氣流產,讓丈夫生不如死! 08:53 妻子被小三害得流產終生不孕,丈夫跪在病床前求原諒,狠狠掐住小三脖子替她報仇! 08:30 丈夫1招戳穿小三真面目,後悔出軌,任憑小三哭著挽留也不回頭! 08:50 丈夫爲了小三和妻子動手,妻子徹底清醒提離婚,丈夫急了苦苦挽留! 13:07 妻子被出軌丈夫傷害,還在總裁面前假裝堅強,總裁一個舉動擊潰她心理防線! 08:42 小三當眾毆打前妻,丈夫徹底看清她真面目,瞬間後悔娶她:離婚! 08:32 【大結局】妻子和總裁甜蜜完婚,小三壞事做盡,被男友拋棄! 07:59 妻子離婚後變身職場麗人太驚艷,出軌丈夫苦苦求複合,妻子做法解氣! 12:25 丈夫被小三強吻,結果被妻子逮個正著,接下來精彩了!Ep61 08:28 丈夫出軌還理直氣壯,妻子直接闖入發佈會,讓他身敗名裂! More results