Video blocked (中英字幕EngSub)99%的人都不知道的肝病皮膚症狀 skin signs of liver disease that most people don't know Recommendations 09:26 留意這些糖尿病的皮膚徵狀!skin signs of diabetes 13:20 脂肪肝:後果可以很嚴重 all you need to know about fatty liver 09:07 (中英字幕EngSub) 皮膚上出現這四種症狀,代表時日無多?4 skin signs of advanced cancer 08:52 膽固醇不分好壞 there ain't such thing as bad cholesterol 12:20 (AI中文字幕/English subtitles by AI)吃什麼可以根治耳鳴? 這裏有根治方法!tinnitus: when to worry and how to stop it 23:36 郭鋒因太太歐陽佩珊離世大受打擊 曾在醫院失控大嗌:點解唔發生喺我身上 |黑色月光|創世紀|霍景良|尋秦記|呂不韋|01娛樂|藝人專訪|香港01 09:32 糖尿病飲食最重要的原則!糖尿患者和家人必看的影片!a simple guide to the rational of a diabetic diet for everyone 09:21 魚油丸有用嗎? 做兩種情況之後才適合使用魚油丸?fish oil supplements: is it for you? 11:16 流行都市|中藥有毒傷肝?|中藥|中醫 11:29 九成人都不知道的甲狀腺重要作用;教你如何看懂甲狀腺驗血報告 what exactly is the thyroid doing to our body? 09:09 (中英字幕EngSub)手腳冰凍會有什麼病?教你簡單方法不花錢立即知道血管健康!cold hands and feet? what are the implications? 15:27 【健康百科】大家都誤會膽固醇| 破解血管殺手 28:48 政府捉住商界支持北都發展!為何這個白痴政府仍未意識到破產在即?大量無謂的支出令我十分震驚!若繼續進行大白象工程只會全港攬炒!《蕭若元:蕭氏新聞台》2024-12-01 17:59 逆轉腎衰竭 |腎衰竭自然療法 16:28 香港樓市重返97也不奇怪 曾煥平:經濟唔好邊有心情買樓|Office鋪位工廈死晒 新盤、二手樓鬥劈價 銀行蝕賣銀主盤增壞帳|美國繼續敵視中國 未來可能會加息|負資產|李嘉誠|減息|新世界|經一拆局 08:39 幾分鐘醫生教你簡單護腎方法 How to prevent kidney diseases 20:41 灰甲,病毒疣 有乜好怕。同你分享處理同戰鬥親身經驗。#灰甲 #疣 #真菌 #病毒 #香港腳 23:21 海洋公園僅蝕數千萬背後竟靠造假數?我鐵口斷言一但政府停止資助公園將倒閉!根本只會是一個燒錢的無底深潭!《蕭若元:蕭氏新聞台》2024-12-01 10:02 肝不好,腳先知!腳部出現3个症狀,可能是肝硬化或癌的徵兆,你的肝恐已開始衰竭!很多人卻還不知道!少吃4物,讓你遠離肝病 30:14 盧寵茂:護肝第一件事就是戒掉亂吃藥!|如何預防脂肪肝及肝硬化|肝永遠「不會老」|肥胡醫聊|嘉賓主持:胡定旭 Similar videos 08:19 Mung bean and boiled water together with it can be called "the strongest detoxifier for the liver". 08:41 Neurology experts remind: People between 55 and 75 eat more of these two kinds of fruits 06:24 Plaque in blood vessels? Ginger and it are eaten like this, the blood vessels are softened 09:20 [Lechu Yi Ma] Why do people smell bad when they are old? The doctor said frankly: If you do these 4 08:31 Frequent urination, urgency, or excessive urination? Add Gorgon to cook with it 09:35 5 habits that steal life, smoking and drinking only rank 5th! Many people are doing the first place 08:09 Eat red beans and raisins like this, eat once every other day, the anemia will be cured 07:06 Eat walnuts with this food, nourish the liver and kidney, prevent nocturia, wrinkles disappear 08:51 Don’t be afraid if you have high blood sugar, add some when you drink water, the blood sugar 08:07 The cough has been bad, and the throat is still full of phlegm. Drinking a glass of licorice with 08:23 People get old and nocturnal urination increases, and they can't sleep well at night! More results