Video blocked 乾隆讓紀曉嵐請吃飯,紀曉嵐:我沒錢,我帶你去找有錢的 Recommendations 11:21 The emperor disappeared, and the honest official pleaded guilty: I did all this, give me death! 14:42 乾隆和珅看戲不帶紀曉嵐,紀曉嵐拿臭豆腐,抹在倆人身上 39:58 【精選電視劇】中年婚路 第1集:張國立、闫妮演繹中年婚姻的艱辛之路 11:35 ☆纪晓岚跟和珅经典飚戏片段,不同的人生态度,不同的为官态度,表面谈笑风生,其实暗流涌动。#反腐倡廉 15:18 和珅拍乾隆馬屁,那料紀曉嵐比他更狠,乾隆都招架不住 08:47 紀曉嵐當著文武百官對皇上破口大駡,誰料皇上不生氣,反倒笑眯眯賞賜百兩黃金! 09:36 紀曉嵐被皇上貶為門衛,靈機一動提來一壺酒,皇上一看,立馬官復原職! 10:34 He Shen wanted to protect corrupt officials, but he didn't expect the emperor to come! 11:00 纪晓岚跟和珅在牢里这段对话可以称之为经典,两人对做官不一样的看法和行事,注定了日后不同的结局! 1:29:37 小侯爺凌辱民女,還害得對方家破人亡,包拯大怒,直接龍頭鍘伺候! 1:19:41 Ji Xiaolan was about to be executed by the emperor, but he wanted Heshen to make the first strike. 17:03 乾隆權利被架空,緊急召劉墉官復原職,和珅花錢也挨了打! 1:01:01 Ji Xiaolan and the other two went to the tavern, and their attitudes were very arrogant! 14:16 乾隆死裏逃生重生歸來,還給紀曉嵐帶來一份天大的禮 1:04:05 Ji Xiaolan's boss trick, the boss unexpectedly told the county magistrate about the crime of greed 12:29 【熱播劇集】情義英雄武二郎 武松被發配充軍,十字坡智戰孫二娘,太精彩! 41:46 和珅搬出小金庫賄賂嘉慶,本以為輕鬆拿捏,怎料劉墉把他的老底都給揭了!【劉墉升職記】 1:08:24 Heshen used manuscripts to exchange for Ji Xiaolan's collection of calligraphy and paintings! 1:41:47 The eunuch led troops to surround Bao Zheng, unaware that Bao had already set a trap for him. 1:05:02 The driver delivered bribe money to He Shen, who knelt when he realized it was the emperor in disgui Similar videos 10:20 Qianlong asked JiXiaolan to invite to dinner, JiXiaolan: I have no money, I'll find a wealthy 08:10 所有官員都同意用錢抵罪,唯獨紀曉嵐大怒,估計是沒錢! 10:28 纪晓岚坐上龙椅当皇帝,怎料他一上来就问和珅,你们家有多少钱? 56:56 Ji Xiaolan invited He Shen to dinner. Unexpectedly, He Shen pushed the emperor down and said bad thi 1:05:39 [Movie华语经典]纪晓岚和乾隆和珅吃饭这一段,真是吃着明白揣着糊涂!心里的苦只有自己知道!【铁齿铜牙纪晓岚】 01:32 国库没钱了 乾隆让纪晓岚看看是哪个王八蛋花的 这下尴尬了! 10:07 纪晓岚和珅求饶想要回官职,不料皇帝赌气,当朝给他俩好看.mp4 12:38 和珅紀曉嵐互換身份,誰想和珅的小妾來告狀 00:36 紀曉嵐說出了我對朋友的心聲艾特你那不聽勸的摳門朋友來看~ 08:11 紀曉嵐請和珅吃飯,和珅酒後說自己想要造反,沒想到皇上扮成夥計全都聽見了!【說書人】#鐵齒銅牙紀曉嵐18 #乾隆 #貪官 #清官 1:04:41 He Shen and Ji Xiaolan tricked Qianlong and got executed. They messed up! 1:02:35 [Movie华语经典] 同样是宠臣,乾隆皇帝到底是更偏爱和珅还是纪晓岚?看完你就明白了!【铁齿铜牙纪晓岚】 1:03:24 Heshen and Ji Xiaolan fought over a dog bowl. Ji saw but didn’t warn him. Heshen got tricked! 13:16 狗官囂張嘲諷窮小子沒錢,誰知窮小子報出身份,狗官直接下跪認錯! 11:29 和珅被罰掃廁所,結果皇上需要用錢還得找和珅借 1:05:24 Ji Xiaolan gave Heshen a couplet to answer, but he ended up cursing Heshen in a roundabout way. 08:51 一碗難喝的水,被紀曉嵐一招變甘甜,乾隆大呼神奇! 59:12 He Shen badmouthed Ji Xiaolan in front of the emperor, but Ji Xiaolan smoked him out, He Shen lost! 08:10 紀曉嵐在皇上面前大罵和珅豬狗不如,當眾打和珅的臉,和珅竟然還點頭哈腰感謝紀曉嵐!【說書人】#鐵齒銅牙紀曉嵐25 #乾隆 #清官 #貪官 More results