Video blocked 今天鲈鱼太疯狂全船都在上鱼,阿杰光抄鱼都差点累趴下,太刺激了【岛民阿杰】 Recommendations 36:34 Zhoushan sea area has ushered in the gold rush season yellow croaker is called the soft gold in th 05:14 Just after the typhoon, I went to the sea to warm up, and accidentally got on a big guy 34:20 Huang San the fish stuffed the fishing box full everyone has something to gain so fishing is so 12:08 晴空万里难得的好天气,今天的鱼货也相当给力,又是丰收的一天 11:02 海上养殖平台,爆钓大金鲳? 14:47 再次征战海礁,阿杰朋友运气爆棚鲈鱼狂咬,这钓场这鱼获你羡慕吗 33:01 Ajie led his fishing friends to harvest a whole boat of yellow croaker which was bought by fans. T 41:00 Ajie went out to sea for a few hours and one person frantically pulled the hook to harvest a large 1:18:13 Ajie prepared 23 baskets of hooks but he didn't expect the big fish to be one by one. The pulling 37:24 Ajie caught the fish when the tide fell but he stabbed the eel's nest. He thought he would end up 35:02 Ajie took 2000 fishhooks and went straight to sea. I didn't expect it to be a big shipment. Ajie's 36:32 Ajie took the fishing to poke the yellow croaker nest one by one even the novice can catch more t 25:18 СРОЧНО! ФЕДОРОВ: мощный удар по Путину, АСАД ОБРЕЧЕН, уволен генерал Кисель, что дальше, Герасимов 23:28 Līdakas un Leģendas. LATGALE | 3. sērija (Daugavas loki) 40:02 As soon as Ajie went to sea his character exploded. The first shot was pulled up with a 15-kilogra 11:53 When the fisher girl got home, there was an uncle waiting to buy fish 10:49 The reservoir has flooded and the big fish have been washed out 08:24 【阿向趕海】價值兩千的公羊投入六米深坑 爆擒十幾斤大鰻魚 魚貨爆箱超五十斤 41:33 In the cold weather ajie kept changing fishing points and finally harvested 100 catties of seafood 10:05 阿兴又遇大爆网,一网100多斤鱼分3次才收完,卖了2000多块 Similar videos 14:17 今天鲈鱼又狂咬,一船人都等着阿杰抄鱼,差点没把阿杰累虚脱了 14:45 今天鲈鱼产量再创新高,大鲈鱼更是频频咬钩,夏季鲈鱼拉力太爽了【岛民阿杰】 12:02 阿杰团队满载而归,船靠码头收购商直接抢购,鲈鱼都像小猪一样!【岛民阿杰】 14:09 连夜出发海礁钓黄鱼,阿杰狂拉到天亮,这个选择非常明智【岛民阿杰】 13:02 兩個人一天釣200斤鱸魚全部養活的,活魚倉都裝不下,太瘋狂了 05:14 台风刚过出海热热身,一不小心就上了一条大家伙,一条就回本【岛民阿杰】 14:48 阿杰又出海搞事情了,1300多枚鱼钩直接下到海货的老巢,狂拉到爆 10:28 阿杰9点才出海,跑到米鱼的钓点刚下竿就中鱼,难道今天又要狂拉 14:29 阿杰下12筐排钩成本700块,却换回4000块的渔获,这鱼钓得太爽了 12:49 如果你想吃最好吃的梭子蟹,那就来夜钓带鱼吧!这味道绝对上瘾!#岛民阿杰 07:22 追梦波浪间,把爱好变成职业是多么美好,因为喜欢所以热爱【岛民阿杰】 14:48 大风刚停,外面大浪阿杰跑背风处下钩,没想到值钱好货狂拉到爆 11:27 阿杰出海下排钩,钓上来一只海洋毒物,被它的刺扎到能要人半条命 11:40 阿杰下1100多枚钩,本以为今天工钱都挣不到,最后又卖了2000多 04:34 孩子回来了,阿雄出海放鲈鱼扣碰运气,想抓点好货给孩子补补 15:16 一天釣250斤鱸魚,甲板鋪了厚厚一層,這樣釣魚你想體驗一下嗎 13:42 阿杰今天只下10筐排钩,800枚钩的海货比昨天1500枚钩的货还要多 13:48 上次狂拉的钓点今天重钩压上,起钩时阿杰越拉越兴奋,不发财都难 14:19 2020年最后一钓完美收官,大家钓的很开心,直呼明年早点来钓 More results