Video blocked 【夏夜】乾隆和继后真的恩爱过吗,继后凭什么被立为皇后? Recommendations 52:19 Hua Fei is arrogant and domineering all day long but she still loses to the queen in her words. Hu 23:24 范冰冰被封殺的真相,絕不是最初你知道的那樣,水太深,魚太大【文昭思緒飛揚368期】 19:35 Consort Ying is the real king! It only took 1 move to make bitch faint from anger! 07:17 Among the ten princesses of Qianlong, who was the best to marry? 09:52 🔥ТУРЕЧЧИНА ПІШЛА ВІЙНОЮ ПРОТИ ПУТІНА! Це кінець ДИКТАТУРИ! | OBOZ.UA 1:11:36 EP-101 张戎:慈禧如何开启中国现代化 | 慈禧 | 清朝 | 光绪 | 李鸿章 | 义和团 | 历史 | 现代化 | 张戎 | 19:22 乾隆來清官家吃飯,一幅畫嚇得他當場下跪,還倒貼十萬兩! 19:52 Ruyi who was reborn in the bath, exposed empress's conspiracy&killed her in just a moment! 05:43 Analyze the structure of Qianlong's harem: 11 of the 45 concubines have worked as concubines. 19:49 Hailan chose a hairpin studded with pearls,Ruyi kept it to make her more beautiful than anyone else! 17:30 如懿原型,從皇后大位成為清朝唯一斷髮皇后|乾隆繼后那拉皇后|沒有陵墓沒有諡號,下場淒慘|人生賈心星 35:31 120 Yao Di harem history 4.9 26:29 Empress bullied Hailan,unexpected Hailan to fight back and kill her son! #RuyisRoyalLoveinthePalace 56:27 Пресс-конференция по итогам визита в Казахстан 06:46 Qianlong's special hobbies are a headache, even Zheng Banqiao complains 06:02 A woman who can compete with Lingfei in Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace. 08:06 Even the daughter of the princess was not spared in the Qing Dynasty draft! What does this rule say? 08:19 【怀孕争宠】皇后和嘉妃先后怀孕,皇上乐坏了,嫔妃却暗自较量,为了争夺地位,都只想生儿子!EP34 19:57 ARuo poisoned Ruyi in the carrot,Ruyi saw through it in one second and made counterattack! 08:52 How many horrible conspiracies in "Zhen Huan Biography" have you found? Similar videos 11:53 呂后為何把戚夫人做成人彘? 成為人彘她能活多久? 人彘是什麼刑罰? 【小豆知歷史】訂閱我,小豆知帶你探索更多神秘的趣味歷史! 37:19 十年懷七胎,死後追封為皇后,原來歷史上的令妃才是爽文大女主角! 【九月清宮】 #甄嬛傳 #drama #funny 09:15 MULTI SUB 【后位之争】皇后驾崩丧礼还为办完,后宫众妃就坐不住了,纯妃被挑唆明争后位,海兰劝如懿参与争夺被拒绝!🍒Chinese Drama 1:49:36 男主因意外穿越回古代,做了倒插门?一口气看完《赘婿》精简全集! 26:09 原著甄嬛最狠的一次計謀,竟用在親媽身上,她為了保命不顧一切! 【後宮冷嬸兒】#甄嬛傳 #drama #funny #movie 33:05 膽小者慎入!甄嬛傳5處絕美特寫,道盡了她們悲慘的一生,真可謂是步步驚心!【九月清宫】#甄嬛传#drama #funny 2:34:21 【完结】我曾在朝堂中权势滔天,如今却被自己最信任的亲人背叛。权谋与爱情交织,这段旅程,是否还能挽回一切?#一口气看完 #小说 #完结小说 MM281 29:50 秦始皇皇后之谜?她是谁?真的存在过吗?/被【大秦赋】颠倒的后宫之争,被曲解的华阳太后,夏太后/赵姬,嫪毐在嬴政心中播下的阴影面积 31:38 甄嬛能贏是四郎看似無情卻有情。如懿會輸,是弘曆看似有情卻薄情! 【後宮冷嬸兒】 3:22:50 【八宝妆】京城众人都认为,皇上给显郡王与义安候府嫡女的赐婚,是一朵鲜花插在牛粪上。 06:52 冯润:史上最不安分的皇后,杀妃子养男宠、诅咒皇帝老公,太猖狂【后宫冷婶儿】 31:20 来自于前朝的诅咒,住在坤宁宫的清朝皇后几乎无人善终/康熙的后宫妃嫔众多,却少有宫斗的原因/康熙“克妻”呈阳性反应,从此不再立后/清朝奇怪的侍寝制度,谁说皇帝不怕女人/康熙的一生挚爱 34:26 中國歷史上房事能力最強的皇帝!一夜臨幸30個妃子,最後直接被掏空而死 19:01 《甄嬛傳》原著中,嬛嬛的生日party,每個人心思都和劇版不一樣!【后宫冷婶儿】#甄嬛传 #drama 08:18 Emperor sleeps with Huyi every day,Queen and Guifei are very lonely every night 18:23 【番外篇】真实的北宋宫斗。结发皇后被废,张贵妃十四年独宠,为何仁宗不曾“后院起火”?【千秋一面|后宫】【嘉祐生宣】 11:38 [ENG] Hailan was wronged, and Ruyi offended the imperial concubine to give her the lead! 10:44 Wan Bian wants to gain the emperor's love, and deliberately antagonizes Ruyi 12:00 ♥RUYi legend♥236.The emperor and Ruyi travel so sweet, Ruyi acting like a pettish sell cute! More results