Video blocked 大清官假扮訟師,替小跟班辯護,懟得縣令語無倫次!【華語高分電影】 Recommendations 1:14:14 皇帝祭天大典需要30萬塊瓦片,宰相頭都快想炸了,怎料劉伯溫一招解決!【華語高分電影】 1:16:09 清官提審狗官,怎料三言兩語正中狗官下懷,沒等用刑就全招了!【華語高分電影】 1:05:01 狗官當著皇帝的面誣陷清官受賄,怎料掀開箱子一看,黃金全變成饅頭了!【華語高分電影】 1:16:14 [Murder Husband Case] The official used trick to let the real murderer tell the truth 06:27 西藏 13 吐蕃王朝埋葬地,历代藏王陵 1:15:23 當朝宰相慫恿皇帝殺忠臣,大清官得知用毛驢換禦馬,竟救了忠臣一命!【華語高分電影】 1:40:45 The emperor had to compete in tea-making with his ministers but lost? 1:13:16 Soldiers didn't realize that the donkey driver they bullied was their new boss! 1:05:52 清官推斷案情,就如同親眼見過一般,兇手驚了:真是活神仙!【華語高分電影】 1:16:23 皇帝微服私訪被抓,縣太爺竟叫他當眾下跪,一旁高官都嚇傻了!【華語高分電影】 1:04:12 Ji Xiaolan and the emperor sang the double reed together, and the corrupt officials were handled in 1:07:21 老臣犯了挖目之罪,怎料大清官有妙招,一首詩救了他!【華語高分電影】 2:19:29 A official sold his position to a rich man, only to find out he was the emperor before he died! 1:41:47 The eunuch led troops to surround Bao Zheng, unaware that Bao had already set a trap for him. 1:53:43 [華語經典]窮書生不卑不亢進京趕考,不僅獲得主考官賞識,連微服私訪的皇帝都被他逗笑了!【縣令黃馬褂】 19:22 乾隆來清官家吃飯,一幅畫嚇得他當場下跪,還倒貼十萬兩! 1:10:00 【古裝電影】地主闖入乞丐家中羞辱,哪料他身份不簡單,直接讓地主坐牢!#2024最新電影#古裝電影#中國電視劇 20:11 乾隆皇帝微服私訪,竟然看見惡霸街頭作亂,立刻掏出尚方寶劍殺了他! 1:07:46 地主炫耀傳家寶酒杯,大清官一看直接笑了:這是護陰之物!【華語高分電影】 1:11:57 官差抓了一位老農,怎料縣官看到老農的臉,當場嚇跪了!【華語高分電影】