Video blocked 如何知道自己有胰岛素抵抗? Recommendations 12:21 How to Reverse Insulin Resistance? Part 2 10:15 The primary cause of insulin resistance in middle-aged individuals and how to quickly remedy it. 10:06 有這幾個症狀,說明你已經患有胰島素抵抗! 08:17 How to Reverse Insulin Resistance? Part One 10:08 How to Enhance Autophagy for Overall Health Improvement 07:23 What truly contributes to hypertension is not just genetic factors and salt! 13:34 怎麼用 3 招降低胰島素阻抗?宋晏仁 及 李唐越醫師聊給你聽! 10:05 How long does it take to reverse insulin resistance? 11:31 Insulin resistance, obesity, type 2 diabetes - what exercise is most suitable? 11:31 Eating Eggs and Beef Liver to Reverse Fatty Liver 11:29 How to Prevent Prediabetes from Progressing to Diabetes 09:06 3 Nighttime Manifestations of Insulin Resistance 18:03 宋晏仁醫師最難回答的一題:『胰島素阻抗高,就一定會發胖嗎? 』原來,我們都低估胰島素阻抗的威力了.... 12:48 胰島素阻抗可能是在保護你?🧐宋晏仁醫師帶你翻轉既有的糖尿病治療思維! 12:14 新手必看!逆转胰岛素抵抗的8个日常习惯 11:25 How to Avoid Insulin Resistance 09:45 解密胰島素抵抗與肥胖的真相。 11:46 胰島素5.修復胰島素阻抗,自然療法,柏格醫生 Dr Berg 09:54 How to Improve High Blood Sugar Through Exercise 10:21 Eight Foods Diabetics Should Avoid at All Costs Similar videos 08:15 How can I tell if I have insulin resistance? 10:15 检测胰岛素抵抗的4个方法!(如何居家检测胰岛素抵抗?) 01:00 如何知道自己胰岛素抵抗有多严重? 大家注意计算单位 #营养教练 #珠猪健康 #胰岛素抵抗 07:40 12 Warning Signs on Your Skin Indicating Insulin Resistance, High Blood Sugar, and Diabetes 10:21 11个小窍门,帮你轻松逆转胰岛素抵抗/糖尿病前期! 00:56 胰島素阻抗與代謝症候群的關係|宋晏仁醫師 04:43 如何知道自己有胰岛素抵抗 | KetoCN七栋大院 00:59 4招解決胰島素阻抗! 12:02 胰岛素抵抗可能导致的7种疾病,最后一个很多人不知道! 10:01 逆转胰岛素抵抗怎么吃?教你四个简单步骤,不用计算比例 11:43 逆转胰岛素抵抗,早上起来先吃这6样东西! More results