Video blocked 惡霸打遍天下無敵手,不料卻敗在8歲和尚的童子功之下 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu Recommendations 53:36 Even the best couldn't defeat the monk. He was bulletproof. 1:16:23 The Kungfu Kidd - Chinese Action Commedy Film - Full Lenght Movie - English Substitles 56:59 The monk saved the boy, taught him martial arts and made him the best in the world 1:17:27 Eighth Route Army ambushed in advance and wiped out 400 Japanese with machine guns. 31:26 Martial Artists Look Down on 8-Year-Old Monk, Little Do They Know He's a Kung Fu Master 1:16:36 The old blind man is a KungFu Master,trained the little beggar into a generation of heroes! 1:13:41 A beautiful agent fell from the sky,surrounded by 10,000 Japanese troops,easily killed Jap commander 1:07:31 [Kung Fu Action]10 Kung Fu masters despise Shaolin kung fu,but every Shaolin monk has special skills 1:30:17 Kartalın Gölgesindeki Yılan - Full 720p HD İzle (1978) 1:37:51 Kung Fu Movie!A boy carrying vegetables is a hidden kung fu master,defeating even the Shaolin monks! 1:12:24 New Kung Fu action film, Superheroes of martial arts battle against evil forces 1:10:49 2024 Action Movie.80歲的老太太竟是絕世高手,一根繡花針秒殺數十敵人!#抗日 #kungfu #抗日 #2024 1:27:20 Top martial arts master BruceLee dominates the world tournament and powerfully wins the championship 1:47:53 Best Action Movies Mission - Jet Li Unlock The Bomb Action Movie Full Length English Subtitles 34:39 Girl dominates the ring, but gets defeated by a young man in one move, shocking the entire crowd! 27:19 Kung fu master loses to 8-year-old monk in shocking upset ! 15:54 The Japanese army confidently fired at both sides of the valley, with even worse results. 1:22:06 Movie Version! 7 experts chase a 6-year-old monk, but a martial god monk appears to save his life. 23:26 Bruce Lee Way Of the Dragon Fight Scenes 20:01 The 100-year-old Tai Chi master beat Japan's number one samurai until he was unable to fight back Similar videos 27:19 功夫高手打遍天下無敵手,做夢也想不到竟敗給一個8歲和尚 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 25:14 惡霸打偏天下無敵手,怎料卻被一個7歲小和尚治服了 ⚔️ 武侠 | Kung Fu 20:16 13個妖僧練成邪功刀槍不入,但老和尚卻能一招制勝 #元彪#林志穎 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 29:19 惡霸把囚犯吊起來行刑,和尚蓋世功夫劫刑場 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 31:26 武林高手瞧不起8歲小和尚,殊不知他是深藏不露的功夫大師 #元華#謝苗#曹俊 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 22:35 500個殺手圍殺和尚躲寶,不料和尚不好惹,都能以一敵百 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 48:49 惡棍上少林寺挑釁,殊不知和尚都是功夫高手 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 17:04 惡霸挑戰少林功夫戰無不勝,結果被一個8歲小和尚打得無還手之力 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 21:29 惡霸武功高強,3個和尚使出十成功夫才能製服他 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 22:19 兩大高手偷襲和尚,不料和尚是位功夫高手 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 21:44 殺手劫殺和尚,不料和尚是功夫大師,戴著沉重枷鎖也完勝他 #元彪#林志穎 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 20:36 武林高手瞧不起少林功夫,要1個打2個,結果被少林羅漢拳打敗 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 12:06 武林高手截殺和尚,殊不知少林棍法無敵,能以一敵十 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 18:53 惡霸出劍偷襲,不料和尚早已練成金鐘罩神功 #元彪#林志穎 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 27:07 高手故伎重施用火攻對付和尚,不料被小和尚一腳踢飛 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 18:35 惡霸攔路,挑弱的打,殊不知小和尚鐵頭功無敵 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 26:36 天下第一刺客挑戰少林功夫,被和尚一指神功擊敗 #元彪#林志穎#謝苗 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 25:47 惡霸武功高強壞事做盡,和尚不再隱忍,使出少林絕技滅了他 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu 43:11 少林和尚夜闖監獄救唐王,蓋世神功戰千軍萬馬 ⚔️ 抗日 | kungfu More results