湖边一曲中国舞,羡煞英国少年郎。Chinese red fans, Chinese water sleeves, dancing in Hyde Park, London Published 2023-02-22 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 11:55:00 THE MOST POWERFUL FREQUENCY OF GOD 963 HZ - WEALTH, HEALTH, MIRACLES WILL COME INTO YOUR LIFE 01:01 2024年1月26日 05:56 Dance on the Spring Festival Gala show saluting traditional culture 01:48 中国人真的会舞功!河北小伙马蛟龙跳中国舞震惊老外。#正能量 02:45 峨眉派女侠凌云,仗剑“勇闯”武当山,这眼神足以秒杀一切,赞 03:09 马蛟龙:小伙在英国街头“轻功飞舞”走红网络,外国人又懵了 02:27 This magnificent sword dance from FANG YANG FEI stuns the audience! | TGD China | Live Shows Week 9 04:57 Josh Tatofi - Fakateretere (Official Music Video) 04:08 周宝宝:为宣扬中国文化带外国人体验汉服,观音造型看呆众洋人! 01:28 让中国舞技术飞翔在英国伦敦。Let Chinese dance techniques fly in London, England. 3:23:36 Traditional Chinese Music Melodies - 中國古典音樂寶庫:超好聽的古箏、琵琶、竹笛、二胡演奏獨特風韻 ⭐ 沉浸於不朽音樂的聽覺享受,令人著迷追思 03:48 【HD】SING女團-寄明月MV(舞蹈版) [Official MV Dance Ver.]官方完整版MV 07:08 Yang Liping - The Soul of Peacock - Peacock Dance - Traditional Dance - HD 杨丽萍《雀之灵》完整版 高清 孔雀舞 傣族舞 04:15 Classical Chinese dance 'Once Upon a Time in Luoyang' by Tang Shiyi | 舞蹈:唐诗逸《洛阳旧事》| CNODDT 14:06 Cheng Xiao's Dunhuang big show dreams back to "Long Moon Embers", and everyone dances beautifully 10:03 国潮舞剧只此青绿,步步入青霭,美哭外国妈妈! 【2021最美的夜|bilibili晚会】 02:39 TRADITIONAL CHINESE FAN DANCE - 音乐即兴创作 Similar videos 00:31 通过中国舞技术,让更多的外国人了解中国舞蹈。Chinese red fans, Chinese water sleeves, dancing in Hyde Park, London 00:31 云边一曲中国舞,羡煞英国少年郎。 00:30 让外国小朋友认识中国水袖。Let foreign children know about Chinese sleeves. 00:19 和女儿共舞一扇一袖。Dance with your daughter, one fan and one sleeve. #dancer #chinese #舞蹈 #fan #daughter 00:31 当中国双红扇在伦敦塔桥。When Chinese Double Red Fans are on Tower Bridge in London. 00:40 扇影翩翩,剑风飒飒,中国舞燃动在爱丁堡。Chinese dance in Edinburgh. 00:32 执袖赴长空,当中国水袖飞舞在伦敦塔桥。When Chinese water sleeves are flying on Tower Bridge in London. 00:19 以扇袖为笔,为英国小朋友童年写下中国印象。Use fan sleeves as to write Chinese impressions 00:41 起舞趁年华,让中国红照亮这一树灿灿。Chinese Red Fan and St Paul's Cathedral 00:31 双扇舞霓裳,与女儿共舞在伦敦海德公园。Double fan dancing neon clothes, dancing with her daughter in Hyde Park, 00:33 红扇翻飞舞翩翩,在伦敦大本钟前舞动中国红扇。Chinese red fans of Big Ben in London. 00:38 在伦敦塔桥,让外国人感受中国舞的魅力。 00:31 让中国红扇飞舞在伦敦眼。 00:45 气势如虹,让这抹中国红飞舞在伦敦圣保罗。Let Chinese Red Fans Fly in St. Paul's Cathedral 00:31 当中国红扇飞舞在伦敦塔桥。When Chinese red fans are flying over Tower Bridge in London. 00:42 中国舞者在国外怎么练功? 00:34 英国女士用这个词,说出中国舞跨越语言的魅力。 00:33 以扇为媒,以舞会友。Use the fan dance to meet friends. 00:17 让英国小朋友认识中国舞。Let children know Chinese dance. More results