蓮子排骨湯 Lotus Seed and Rib Soup | 滋陰潤燥 | 簡單料理Easy Recipe Published 2022-04-24 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 04:31 (無旁白)進入秋季,人很容易覺得疲倦,自己簡單燉一鍋,元氣滿滿~山藥蓮子燉排骨 08:25 Many people make the wrong ribs and lotus root soup, the chef teaches you the skills, 07:02 When stewing corn ribs soup, remember not to blanch, here is a trick for you, the soup is delicious 07:32 [師奶仔廚房] 太子參蓮子百合益肺湯 氣虛肺燥 潤肺化痰 增強抵抗力潤肺湯😋 #StayHome and Cook #WithMe (附YouTube字幕翻譯) 07:39 【芋頭蓮子湯】入口即化,芋頭蓮子最好吃的做法!The taro lotus seed soup~ | 夢幻廚房在我家 ENG SUB 06:34 seaweed egg soup chinese recipe 05:59 山藥排骨湯|立冬好湯品 養身又補氣 08:34 Chinese Winter Melon Pork Rib Soup Recipe 03:51 [ASMR]【玉米排骨湯】最常見的居家湯品!|Corn Pork Rib Soup(English recipe) 06:32 When stewing chicken soup, you must keep in mind the chef's decades-old recipe of 05:17 蓮子怎麼做才好吃?【馮小廚】分享2道美食,學會做給家人吃! 05:51 養顏聖品「蓮子薏仁湯」,薏仁用鹽水洗淨去土味,蓮子去芯打成汁清甜又濃郁|冰涼甜湯超消暑!|阿慶師 05:34 蓮藕排骨湯這樣煮很簡單,湯頭鮮美清爽好喝 / 莊師傅的廚房 05:03 懶人食譜:山藥排骨湯。美味又健康!天氣冷,暖身一下!Chinese Yam Goji and Pork Ribs Soup [Eng Sub] 05:44 蘿蔔滷排骨 蘿蔔這樣滷又甜又入味 07:00 排骨焯水后,为什么又腥又柴?原来很多人一直用错水了,难怪不好吃 Ribs soup 排骨汤 09:47 夏日清熱解暑湯品!【苦瓜排骨湯】加了這兩味鮮味更加倍|阿慶師 09:20 广东人怎么这么会煲汤?!Cantonese Delicious Soup 08:04 Eat more silver fungus and yam after autumn. This is a nutritious recipe for beauty and beauty 07:05 女人大小事 | 懷孕後期如何養胎不養肉 feat.微微蔡 | 山藥蓮子排骨湯 | 壓力鍋 | 防溢提鍋 | 瑞康屋 Similar videos 00:29 006莲子百合排骨汤lotus lily ribs soup 03:12 How to make “Chinese Lotus Root Soup” at home? Simple and Yummy Chinese Soup Recipe. 09:01 【蓮子排骨湯】養生好滋味:清甜鮮美,暖心暖胃,簡單易做,輕鬆上桌 00:16 莲子百合排骨汤,清热滋补,清甜可口#美食菜谱#shorts 01:00 :: Lotus Root & Raw Peanuts Soup 。莲藕花生汤 :: #cooking #recipe #simplerecipe #chinesefood #soup 03:40 Corn Soup Has Magical Effects,No need to get up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet 00:22 分享一个好喝的#莲子山药排骨汤,清淡可口,营养十足,喝了还想喝#美食菜谱#shorts 05:09 {ENG SUB} ★ 雪耳蓮子糖水 簡單做法★ | White fungus lotus seed sweet soup 06:13 紓壓飲食 顧腸胃 ! 白木耳蓮子排骨湯 一道料理兩種享受 健康2.0 11:26 Enhance the immunity of the five organs together! 00:20 排骨汤 00:16 蓮子湯🫘 02:47 【然然日常】 以花入菜之潤肺百合排骨湯 00:47 【老菜脯雪梨蓮子排骨湯】秋分節氣燉湯,清甜暖胃 00:45 缺鐵補氣好料理~蓮子燉排骨│嬰兒與母親 01:25 山藥蓮子排骨湯 00:41 清热润肺的排骨汤,排骨倒入炖中,加入适量的开水,放入蒸锅中小火炖上一个小时,炖好再撒入适量的枸杞,再次的炖十分钟,出锅前撒点盐调味即可。毛根麦冬、竹蔗、马蹄、胡萝卜的功效是清热润肺,喉咙干痒就试试吧 00:58 I ate Stewed Spareribs with Lotus Seeds with dong mao today 04:36 😋Delicious Gassho Melon and Corn Recipe That's Easy and Healthy More results