被遗弃的鸟蛋,人工孵化13天小鸟出壳 Published 2020-10-28 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 13:27 【电饭煲孵柯尔鸭】28天手剥柯尔鸭Vs.30天顺产小鹅 23:27 療癒小精靈~綠繡眼鳥從孵蛋,出生,餵養,到離巢 全紀錄. Full film of White-Eye Bird from hatching, birth, feeding, to fledging 05:20 Hedgehog could not resist the temptation of delicious food and quietly buried himself in foraging 20:07 Masked Bird Brother | Diary of Young Bird: Young Bird Wet in Rainy Days Unable to Fly for Food Nor 08:14 如何喂養剛出生的小斑鳩 兩小隻來家四天了 神長 06:11 Once the young bird is fed by humans, it will take the master as a mother. 02:28 新手必看,最詳細蘆丁雞高孵化率視頻教程,學蘆丁雞孵化請一定要認真看完#人工孵化 #蘆丁雞 #蘆丁雞孵化 #孵化 05:07 【虎皮鹦鹉】虎皮雏鸟破壳实录 08:31 Cuckoo bird push egg杜鹃鸟推蛋这么厉害,给它安排一枚鸽子蛋,结果如何? 12:56 小雞孵化過程 Egg Hatching Process 10:21 Masked Bird Bro | Bird Rescue Diary: Hatched egg, fed chick pricey bee larvae, sick bird gratitude. 09:14 ﹝豆唬&奶鬧 | 柯爾鴨﹞孵蛋全紀錄(上) - 孵化柯爾鴨蛋有多難? (5號蛋蛋是哞菇唷) 11:55 Masked Bird Brother | Rescue Bird Diary: Rescue a thin pearl bird. It has a strong desire to surviv 48:19 The Adventures of the Little Black Chicken 13:46 零天手养鹦鹉小伙子1-5天:你们要的手养小伙子视频来了,之前被盗过很多次,也不知道有没有人看【一只小皮皮呀】 11:48 The Cuckoo's Revenge救助了杜鹃鸟推出窝外的小鸟,没想到遭到老杜鹃疯狂报复 01:46 芦丁鸡:今日份收获一窝小可爱 1:20:18 The growth process of Call Duck worth tens of thousands 08:38 Rice cooker egg incubator | 8 chickens were born in my rice cooker 15:55 Masked Bird Bro | Diary: Xuan Feng's parrot, swollen belly, urgent surgery to remove trash Similar videos 02:07 七彩文雀孵化第13天,小鸟已经成型出壳进入倒计时 02:27 人工孵化小鸟出壳第三天,生命虽小但也顽强 01:01 小鸟出生了 00:28 鸟蛋为什么都是椭圆形的 00:13 鵪鶉蛋孵化翻蛋 00:43 鴿蛋從第1到18天發育過程 01:13 被遺忘的精靈巢穴 迷你蜂鳥蛋僅豆子大 - 可愛動物 - 國際新聞 00:34 杜鹃别家鸟窝产蛋孵化成功,开始做坏事,却栽了跟头 00:50 大叔后院捡了一颗蛋蛋,孵化后大吃一惊却依然跟爱它 00:22 鸽子蛋摔破壳,鸽子还能孵出来吗? 01:46 人工孵化鸟出壳第八天,幼鸟睁开了眼睛 02:44 大叔捡到超级小的鸟蛋,孵化过程很艰辛,结果却很惊艳 01:07 【牡丹鹦鹉】我不是ET:小鹦鹉出壳的第一天!(持续更新) 00:22 玄鳳破蛋日,孩子平安出殼了🥚要健康長大|大鸚帝國 ParrotEmpire #shorts 00:30 鸟爸爸妈妈私奔了,剩下的鸟蛋怎么办? 02:14 小鹦鹉孵化十九天,蛋壳突然变黑,小伙赶紧帮其破壳【一只小皮皮呀】 02:40 人工孵化鸟出壳11天,主人感叹:不容易! 02:04 开箱4只鹦鹉鸟蛋,让萌宠孵化不同品种,鸟妈看到鸟宝会是啥表情 01:41 傳統鎢絲燈泡孵化小鵪鶉 More results