Video blocked Clinics Hand Surgery: Congenital syndactyly -Examination, types, associated syndromes and management Recommendations 22:30 Lectures @ GK Hand Surgery: Extensor tendon injuries - Zones of injury and Principles of management 18:46 Approach to the Exam for Parkinson's Disease 14:14 Basics of Electrodiagnostic Testing – Nate Olafsen, MD 13:44 Cervical Stenosis: Traditional Technology vs. Newer Ultrasonic Technology for Spine Surgery 30:02 Zone I Extensor injury: Mallet finger- Everything you should know about it! The splint, the surgery! 27:56 Congenital hand: Episode 11 - Hypoplastic Thumb - Classification and Clinical features 28:56 Ulnar nerve palsy: Eponymous signs and tests that are done and their significance 26:55 What is Lumbar Stenosis? Symptoms, Causes & Benefits of Ultrasonic Technology 21:15 Finger metacarpal neck fractures: Treatment options available and techniques of management 54:01 Aspirin and cancer: the emerging evidence 25:05 Finger Metacarpal fractures: Basic principles of management 27:35 Confusing Truth About Depression and Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD) 23:05 #Flexor tendon anatomy Complete 17:18 Boost Your Bone Density with These 6 Life-Changing Tips 3:59:34 Building the Ultimate Workout Tracker with React Native & MongoDB 47:54 GGMC Educational Webinar Series: "Demystifying Skeletal Dysplasia: Learning From Patients." 15:03 Finger metacarpal head fractures: Types, features and management 1:37:34 The Groundbreaking Cancer Expert: (New Research) "This Common Food Is Making Cancer Worse!" 10:23 The Exam for Shoulder Pain - Stanford Medicine 25 27:32 Sindromul Down Similar videos 00:27 Treating complex syndactyly 03:52 syndactyly - congenital hand differences - Boston Children's Hospital 25:50 Surgery for Congenital Syndactyly: The preparation, the technique, the results and much, much more! 00:23 Syndactyly Classification 03:53 Syndactyly | जुडी हुई उंगलियां | Syndactyly Classification | Congenital Syndactyly Treatment . 00:48 Syndactyly 02:33 WHAT IS SYNDACTYLY? - WEBBED FINGERS, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment, Surgery 00:28 Syndactyly surgery 01:15 Dr Om Agrawal - Syndactyly Both Hands Release surgery - Joined fingers release surgery 09:08 #pinnacleorthocentre Birth Defects in Hand, Understanding a case of Syndactyly | Dr.Parag Lad 09:32 Syndactyly , my final year master exam question #hand #orthopaedics 00:16 Transform syndactyly in 6 months! #kids #medical #birthdefect 00:33 Ring-Little Finger Syndactyly on Both Hands 09:50 Syndactyly It is More difficult than I Thought - Dr Andrea Jester 00:42 Syndactyly on both Feet 01:42 What is Congenital hand deformities & How can we treat it? Dr. Warid Altaf 01:34 SYNDACTYLY RELEASE | DR.OM AGRAWAL | PLASTIC SURGEON | HIGHLAND HOSPITAL THANE 01:02 Complex Syndactyly with All Fingers Clustered More results