Zone I Extensor injury: Mallet finger- Everything you should know about it! The splint, the surgery! Published 2022-07-02 Download video MP4 360p Recommendations 15:23 Extensor tendon Injuries in Zone II III IV - Central slip injury and the boutonniere splint 00:52 Distal Biceps Tendon Rupture and Repair #bicepstendon #elbowpain #biceps 10:27 The Pull-out suture technique - How to reattach an avulsed extensor tendon in a mallet finger! 08:04 Why is my Mallet Finger Not Healed? 22:30 Lectures @ GK Hand Surgery: Extensor tendon injuries - Zones of injury and Principles of management 22:25 Clinics Hand Surgery: Congenital syndactyly -Examination, types, associated syndromes and management 24:11 Extrinsic Extensor Anatomy: Structural, Functional and Surgical 07:54 Jersey Finger - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 17:14 Zone V Extensor injury:How to repair a cut extensor tendon, and follow it up to get good results! 21:24 The swan neck deformity: Etiology, pathomechanics, evaluation and treatment - Made clear and simple 11:20 Dr. Sudhir Warrier - 2 (a) Mallet Finger 18:37 Thumb Metacarpo-phalangeal joint dislocations -Unique features, mechanism of injury, and management 2:01:06 Alzheimer's Disease: The EARLY WARNING SIGNS & How To Reverse It | Richard Johnson & Dale Bredesen 24:56 Finger metacarpal shaft fractures: Management options, and how to choose the best method! 06:06 Distal Phalanx Fractures - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 10:27 How to apply a Mallet Finger Splint 27:28 Opponensplasty in Median Nerve Palsy - The procedures and the basics. 1:21:35 The Role of Fascia in Movement and Function 26:55 What is Lumbar Stenosis? Symptoms, Causes & Benefits of Ultrasonic Technology 06:08 Sagittal Band Injury - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim Similar videos 09:12 Mallet Finger Complete - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 01:21 Mallet Finger Surgery Preformed by Dr. Thomas Trumble 05:53 Mallet Finger Treatment - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 03:15 Mallet finger - a Zone 1 finger extensor tendon injury 08:23 Boutonniere Deformity - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 08:14 The Mallet Finger (Jammed finger aka rupture/avulsion of the terminal extensor tendon of the finger) 09:36 Extensor Tendon Surgery 01:52 Extensor Tendons: Anatomy, Injuries and Treatment 00:59 Shorts #8: Closed Mallet Finger injury management in less than a minute! 2:11:43 Rehabilitation of Extensor Zone I, III, V, and Flexor Zone II 2021 01:12 Extensor 2 (4 weeks) 02:03 Mallet Finger 03:44 Flexor Tendon Anatomy And Injury - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim 59:29 Zone specific extensor tendon rehab part I zones 1 to 5 01:31 Hand injury exercise 22: Early active flexor tendon - initial exercises 00:33 Finger Extensor Tendon Injury Basics More results